Aug 20, 2005 09:38's been a while.
I guess I'll get the bad news over with first. Arianna fell while she was running & she hit her head pretty hard on the concrete driveway. It was pretty scary, but thank God she's ok. She had a huge round scrape on her forehead & now her right eye is really swollen & red. She looks like a boxer that got punched in the eye. It hurts me everytime I look at her. I don't like taking her out because I'm paranoid that people are going to think I or someone at home hit her. I just hope it starts going down soon.
I'm finally going to start school again on the 29th. I'm taking these last 2 classes at COM, then I'll finally be moving on to UHCL. Yes that's right I've changed my mind for like the millionth time. I'm gonna get my bachelor's in social work & after that hopefully/God willing I'll get my masters. I realized that the only reason I wasn't going to go in that direction was because I was scared about the money, but I think that if I go for what's in my heart God will provide. My dream is to work in adoption. I think I could really relate with girls who would be giving their babies up & I'd love to help couples find a baby or a child to adopt.
I'm also trying to turn over a new leaf & eat healthy & do some sort of exercise because I'm totally inactive & I just feel really unhealthy & gross. I'm the heaviest I've ever been. It sucks when you don't even have to weight can just tell. Plus the fact that I have to stand in a wedding in November & I haven't done anyhting to help that yet.
Julie & Rebekah are coming home from Germany on Monday night. I can't wait to hear all about it. They called me from my brother & sister in law's house & I got so sad that I wasn't there. It's awesome that they were able to spend the night w/ them & hang out. I'm really happy for them. I guess I wouldn't have been so sad & dwelling on it if, but when we dropped them off at the airport someone ended up not going so a plane ticket was completley wasted!!! I could have gone for free, but duh I didn't have my passport with me. If I did have it on me I would have just gone & bought a few outfits to last me while there.
Well other that all this, everything's the same in my life. I'm still working at this place on weekends, but I'd really like another job. I might look into substitute teaching. That's all for mr for now. Take care & peace.