(no subject)

Aug 26, 2009 18:02

  • 13:44 Think I might twitter about all the books i've been reading lately. Does anyone who follows me care? Would it be interesting? #
  • 13:45 Or should I continue to twitter about innane details of my life and bitch about being sick? #
  • 13:49 More to the point.. Outside of @asmodaeus, @derjakob, @hijakk, and @azureowl, does anyone actually follow me? #
  • 13:49 Or are you all spambots? #
  • 13:50 And @samoeba. And everyone else I know irl that i'm missing #
  • 13:55 Kso. Just started the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. I'm on book 1, storm front. So far, it's not crap. #
  • 13:57 Not yet genius either, but not crap like that other nonsense i've been reading. It's got some original ideas #
  • 13:57 Original ideas are hard to come by in serial fantasy like this, so their presence is impressive #
  • 14:00 Just finished TA Pratt's Blood Engines. It was pretty good. Didn't realize it was part of a series and just dove right in #
  • 14:01 I liked the fact that I could read it standalone with no issues. That's another thing fantasy serials do badly #
  • 14:02 might actually read more in the series if nothing else catches my eye. It was also home to some interesting concepts #
  • 14:03 But I just didn't love any of the characters. Tough supernatural females are a dime a dozen and marla didn't stand out #
  • 14:20 Anyway, I like the fact that dresden is just a weird guy who just happens to be a wizard. #
  • 17:25 @ natazilla hahhaha me too #
  • 18:01 @ asmodaeus the what now? #
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