You get the Darwin Award for NOT GETTING DARWIN AWARDS

Aug 12, 2009 18:20

Term ended for me today. Hooray. *falls over*

But now, you get a story. A story of why I am SO DAMN GLAD I didn't have to physically attend my Web 2.0 class.

There was this guy. I can't remember his name. Frankly I don't want to. Huzzah, this sounds lovely already, doesn't it?

Anywhoo. He talks a lot. I figured this out just from sharing a class room with him for a couple of days out of the term. He admits that he talks to hear himself talk. Great. Fine. Dandy. He's kinda funny at first so I just roll with it. He's also pretty buddy buddy with the teacher, which seems a little odd in the sense that he actually FOLLOWED Kale out of the class room talking, and came back STILL TALKING and Kale was about as attentive as a rock.

Anyway, not my point.

Well, one more deviation. Same guy is talking, and I joke to him "Do you hear yourself when you talk?" and he comes back with "No, I just fade in and out."

That did get a chuckle out of me.

BUT I DIGRESS (cause it actually comes in to play later).

So later on we're filling out our student eval forms and there's some random conversation about stupid criminal stunts. The guy isn't saying anything on stupid criminal stunts, but he's certainly commenting at length about his thoughts on them. At one point Kale says something in response to what the guy was saying (I hadn't been paying attention until this point). It's basically "You know they have the Darwin Awards for that kind of thing." He looks a little... worried when he says this.

The guy starts going off.

"This is why I think certain people shouldn't breed. We should bring back eugenics."

And he doesn't stop there. OH NO. He keeps going, saying that mentally retarded people don't bring anything of value to society, and that he sits down at the bus station (Eugene Station, the central depot of the town) and sees parents he thinks are 'bad' because they 'obviously don't make good choices, don't look like they have any education or income'.

So I turn around and say "I sit at the same bus stop you do. I don't judge people."

"I do." he shoots back. And makes some comment about being entitled to his opinion and KEEPS GOING. Another lady who I've had a few very nice conversations with tries to gently disuade him by saying that there is natural selection, sometimes weak genes DO die off, but he keeps RIGHT ON GOING.

I ask him, "Is this one of those moments where you're fading in and out?"


Keeps on going.

Eventually a slightly older student who may or may not have been staff (there were a few enrolled in the class) says "Are you an atheist?" to him. While he's doing this, he's picking up his stuff. He's had enough, too.

The guy defiantly says "Yes. Do you believe in God?"

He keeps harassing him about it, too.

At this point the guy is making me physically ILL just being around him. I'm in Dive-Chat at the time and am forced to say to everyone "I've gotta go. I need to leave." and I sign out and quickly put my stuff away as well. At this point I've tuned him out agian, but I'm certain he's still going. I can hear the woman talking, I can hear Kale trying to make a point. I think the other guy has left. I don't know. I'm actually dizzy with upset. He just doesn't get it.

So I start to leave, but stop and turn to him and manage to stumble out "My mother was disabled. And we were poor. She didn't get a higher education until she was in her fourties, my dad was the same way. And look where I am. So I don't think you've got a valid point. At all."

I wanted so badly to say more, but I was almost in tears I was so furious with him. I hate, hate HATE verbal confrontation. I cannot get my words out. I stutter. I forget what I want to say.

But I forced myself to tell him, just so he would know how offensive and disgusting he was being.

You know what he says to me?

"I'm still entiled to my opinion."

And I respond with, "And you're still a jerk." and walk out. I called mom, found out she was downtown, and went and caught a bus to there. I had plans to stick around the school until she could actually come get me later, but I didn't even want to be potentially breathing the same AIR as this guy.

Mom cheered me up by saying that if it did come down to selecting who would live and who would die based on their merit, he sure as hell wouldn't be on there.

Still. People like that just make me want to hurk in their faces. They've no right to judge people they don't even know. Make a rude comment or two if you don't like how a parent look, but gods be damned, look at YOURSELF first if you think you're fit to pass judgement on anyone.

Ugh. I hope some one punches him some day.

term over, school, people are douchebags, web 2.0, fail at life

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