
Aug 04, 2009 17:05

Yes, I'm going to bitch about RP!Secrets now. Watch me fail.

I'm beginning to wonder if people who lurk games, or even lurk comms like Dear_Mun ever take in to account that playing in a game means that the character isn't going to stay the same forever. I mean, that would be boring, wouldn't it?

Obviously, there's a certain level of ICness that ( Read more... )

rp!secrets, watch me rant!, rp, watch me fail!, people are douchebags, baw baw baw, digital_dive

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jenioctavia August 8 2009, 20:07:07 UTC
Of course I don't mind! I hardly friendslock 'cause I don't mind my little corner of LJ being public. Maybe I'm crazy for that, I'm not really sure. But I've gotten a lot of people who agree with this post, which makes me feel a little more vindicated in my rantings.

Also I've had this personal LJ a lot longer than I've ever been RPing on it. Godlike... 2003? I think. Six years. I feel old. :|

I'm fully aware that OOC can take a turn for the worst in certain situations. If a player lets it go on long enough and begins putting too much of themselves or their own wild ideas in to a character, it effectively stops being that character completely. There's sadly a fine line between making a character an OC of themselves, and letting a character have proper, natural development. It gets crossed all the time.

It just pisses me off that the second you step a toe in to character development, anyone who DOESN'T know you or the pup can suddenly have the right to bash you and drag you down.

and continuing on our conversation from last night...

Don't worry about the bad pun. I think we're all prone to that from time to time!

I did Ros and Guil for my final play, so I got to choose who I was being. ^^ I don't know if in the future I'd necessarily be chosen as Guildenstern, but I can certainly pull of the "A little consistency is all I ask!" level of frustration off. All in acting, of course. :P

Oh Vocaloids, how you have stolen my soul. Haku Yowane is my favorite, and I do play her at Dive (another reason I complain about attacks on OOCness - I got attacked on RP!Secrets a while back as well for Haku. Vocaloids have no canon, dumbasses. =/) and she's my other main character there. I started with her and Greg actually.

Oh and I'm bringing another CSI in to P_W. I'm apping Nick under the AU of Resident Evil. Mwahahaha. :3

And now that I have slept, I should TRY to get my blasted term paper worked on... blah.


wily_willywonka August 9 2009, 00:00:39 UTC
Wow! Vindication is always a good thing. I'm so relieved. I haven't made a dicision on making a personal journal yet mostly out of the time that I normally have online isn't really enough for me to manage both accounts and plus, I'm very lazy when it comes to thinking work.

I actually keep a physical journal that I write down all my personal thoughts since I'm actually very private with them. Any "Eyes Only" posts I make are generally character interaction notes or about interactions that I had with a player that really aren't harmful if they are discovered, but they could be taken as such. I like to keep things as simple as possible and there are times that I can look back at a certain event and I can correct an issue before it occurs.

Bad puns and raisins....yum. Ha ha!

I'm really bad with Japanese names since my exposure is pretty limited, but I do like a lot of the voices. Vocaloids are so much fun because the imaginatory elements are there that would push a player into a limit of the unknown.

I saw Nick. Ha ha! Sounds like a lot of fun! I was thinking of mixing Willy and putting him into the AU of either Indian Jones or Jurassic Park.

Ugh term papers. Tell me about it. I just started back up myself. I'm getting a head start on my term. I don't like falling behind in the least. It's bad enough that I have to take Advance Kenetics. There is little written work on it and most of it is watching, recording and paying attention to details mostly for choreographical reasons.


jenioctavia August 9 2009, 03:22:33 UTC
Sorry for the delay in responding. Had a smaaaaall itty bitty family emergency, but its over now.

I can understand the desire for simplicity, but damned if I can't follow it myself. I've got my personal journal, a writing journal, all these different RPs... it gets a little insane. It's a damn good thing I don't subscribe to that nonsense they call a 'social life'.

Haku is the white-haired variation of Miku Hatsune, the official Vocaloid with green hair. Miku is equally adorable, though.

Dude. Jurassic Park, all the way and ftw. Totally.

Sorry, what's Kenetics?


wily_willywonka August 9 2009, 04:54:36 UTC
Oh I hope that everything is okay. I just got done with a party gig and that was a mess and a half. *sighs* I'm just glad it's over and I can go back into my own little word.

Ha ha! Social life? What's that? *wink wink, nudge nudge*

I have only one journal and I seperate and organize everything into groups. It certainly helps me stay organized.

Thank you for the Jurassic Park Okay. I'll have to come up with a reason for him to be there, but I'm sure I'll be creative enough to come up with his reasons.

Oh Kinetics is the study of body movement and the study of body language in a stressful setting. Most people that take Sports Medicine take it to enhance their skills and how to prevent sports injuries later on. It's the same basic principle why we I'm taking it.


jenioctavia August 9 2009, 05:00:06 UTC
My step-mom has been having some terrible stomach problems for the past month. Likely an ulcer, and nothing more, but as I lost my biological mother five years ago to health complications I tend to get irrationally paranoid about unexpected trips to the hospital.

Hm. Maybe was a chef? *laughs* That's so lame.

Ohhh. I see, that makes sense now.

I'm going to school for Graphic Design! ^_^


wily_willywonka August 9 2009, 05:47:05 UTC
Ooh, I certainly understand the concern. There is no need to apologize when you have a ligitimate reason to be scared out of your mind. Currently one of Silver's players is having to deal with an ill family member as well and we're all supporting her. I know she's scared and I have the feeling from what you wrote that you are too. You have my hugs.

Ha ha! That was one idea I had but I was thinking that he was there to find a new indgredient and well...he stumbled on the island....with beastly beasts bigger than the eye could see. Ha ha! He was found wandering around on camera and that's how he came to be the head chef of the facility, which explains the reason that Dr. Sandler was addicted to the ice cream.

I'm glad that I clarified it for you. You're not the first one that asked. Ha ha!

Ooh Graphic Design! My sister is going to study in that field. She really loves art and she likes designing things too.


jenioctavia August 11 2009, 04:52:06 UTC
Hey. Sorry for the delay between replies. I have been -exhausted-. Thank god its all over on Wednesday.

Anyway, I wanted to drop a line and let you know I'm still alive. Do you by any chance have a messenger service?


wily_willywonka August 11 2009, 06:29:28 UTC
Yes I do. I use Gchat the most which comes standard with Gmail and I do have hotmail with Windows Live Messenger. I'll send you through PM the address of your choice with the right forwading so that way we can keep in touch.

I do completely understand your troubles with exhaustion. I have felt the effects here too so yeah, I hope that you're feeling better.


jenioctavia August 11 2009, 06:36:07 UTC
A little. I'll be better once the week is over.

Everything's pretty much under the same name for me. JeniOctavia on Gmail, AIM and MSN.


wily_willywonka August 11 2009, 06:49:16 UTC
I'll add you to my Gmail contacts. Thank you for responding.


jenioctavia August 11 2009, 06:54:25 UTC
No problem!


wily_willywonka August 11 2009, 06:58:11 UTC
I added you and sent the invite. Look for wily.willy.wonka.

I'm incredibly hyper today.


jenioctavia August 11 2009, 06:58:48 UTC
done and done!


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