Not surprised...

Dec 12, 2008 12:32

Your result for What Planet are You From? Test...

You are From Venus!

40% Venus

Hmm… You are from Venus? Okay, then.

Venus is the second closest planet to the sun. It is also known as our “morning star” because at sunrise you can see it in the east, and at sunset you can see it in the west, but you can’t see it at midnight. It is covered with a layer of light reflective clouds. It never appears to venture too far from the sun. I guess it likes the warmth.

Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love. She is considered to be very beautiful and is said to be the ancestor of the Roman people. Julius Ceasar went around telling people he was related to her, so if he’s your ancestor you might definitely have some claims to be a true blooded Venusuvian! (Okay, I’m not sure if that’s a real word, but I like it.)

What does this mean to you?

Well, being a child of Venus means that more than likely you are quick to act and you enjoy being free! Once you make a decision you go for it despite what anyone else might say. You probably don’t hold fast to traditions, but tend to be more trendy. You are friendly, cheerful, and social.

In love, you don’t like restrictions. You are one of those people that believe that if it could be love why wait? Sex might actually be okay on a first date if your instincts say the two of you might have a future together. You weren’t born to be a careful thinker, after all, in your world time is short and there just isn’t enough of it!

Move along, my dear Venusuvian friend. Life awaits you!

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