Jul 16, 2008 23:10
I keep feeling on and off sick, with a hugely sore throat that swells up. Can't figure out if it's a cold or allergies. This isn't fun. Want it to stop!
However, the recent paikus (pun + haiku = paiku) from Kurt are very fun. He sent these out tonight to my parents and me. The last one's my favorite. He wrote:
Mom, Dad, & Jennifer,
With our recent reorganization at work my brain has been reorganizing as well. These paikus are the result:
Santa has no map,
He forgot gifts. The reindeer Work for a lost Claus
Tasty tavern treat,
Mutton made in the oven, Bar-bake-ewe dinner
Ponce de Leon pen,
Ink that keeps the writer young, The fountain of youth
The ancient greeks found
Wine-loving, lizard-god bones, Dionysus-saurs
Fanatic timepiece
Tells fortunes, The state suspects Tarot wristwatch list
Sorry for any groans,