I know Nix has been looking forward to this entry lol.
I just got back from dropping
thetypgoddess off at the airport (I miss you already!) and I have so much to talk about that I don't even know where to start! I suppose that I should start on Friday when I went down to get her...
I got to the airport on Friday about a half an hour before her plane arrived. I waited by the baggage claim to meet her when she got off the plane. After giving me a hug, the first words out of her mouth were, "You're taller than I thought". LOL. Anyway, after we left the airport, we went to the St. Louis art museum to wander around for a bit. There, we proceeded to giggle and make fun of some of the art pieces because we're mature like that. We had an over-priced lunch at the art museum and then headed back to Quincy. Meesh was amazed by how wide open everything was on the drive home. When we arrived at the apartment, Meesh was again amazed by how small Butch is and how big our apartment is in compared to our rent. Then, we took Butch on a walk - which was uneventful. I made Chex Mix for the party on Saturday night and then we went to TGiFriday's to see Alex and have some blah food. Alex was closing that night, so we went to sleep before he went home.
Saturday morning, we got up way too early. Alex had to work that morning, so once again he and Meesh didn't really get to talk. I then made some chocolate cake for Amy (it was her birthday too). For lunch, we went to Maid Rite (local place - featured on Feasting on Asphalt), which was very enjoyable. Then we went to wander around our lame mall for a while. When Alex got off work, we all went to a local Mexican restaurant for dinner. After that, we headed home to get ready for the party. The party requires a whole paragraph unto itself... This will be the epic part.
Anyway, I think I've mentioned it before, but this was a joint 29th Birthday Party for one of my best friends (Amy) and I. Amy and Jim showed up first to ice the cake she made for me. Also, Alex bought me a Reece's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. Three cakes lol. Around 8 or so, everyone else started showing up. Everything was cool and I introduced Meesh around. We all spread out all over the apartment (with me running all over circulating). I got semi-tipsy pretty quickly, which was cool. Everyone was having a good time (I think about 20 people showed up total). Everyone was laughing and having a good time. Here are a few pictures (Amber, can you let me know when you upload yours?).
Here's Amber, Allen, and part of Becky. Woman kept hiding from us.
Meesh and I! She has long, awesome hair.
Tad (standing) and Will.
Amy, part of Jim, and Becky hiding again.
And now for the truly interesting story.
zander84, and
aacooley need to add to the story in the comments. So, Alex and I have a friend named Kelly. She's been mentioned in several other LJ posts (along with pictures). Very cool girl from Macomb who is Kate's best friend. Kelly starting dating this guy, Ben, in like May or June. They went to high school together (along with Kate), but were never friends or anything. Within a couple months, they were engaged and the wedding is September 26th. It all happened very fast, and everyone she knows were very confused. But, we figured what the hell. As long as she's happy. As a side note, this guy is in a band and thinks he's a musical genius (as does Kelly). HOWEVER, Kate went to Kelly's bachelorette party a week ago and was horrified to discover that Ben is a complete dick, treats Kelly like shit, and has turned her into a druggie/pill-popper. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with a little pot... but Kelly is blasted 24/7 now. Plus, Ben was a jerk to all of Kelly's friends. Kate came back and reported this to me. Alex and I, however, decided that we wouldn't pass judgment until we met the guy ourselves. Thus, I invited them to the party. They managed to make it here... and OMG. Kate was NOT lying.
I have never met someone who so thoroughly matched the description of a douchebag. Just... UGH. EVERYONE there instantly hated the guy. He was rude, pompous, manipulative, talked down to Kelly, and straight-up odd. One of the first things he said to Alex was an insult. He picked up one of the Rock Band guitars and asked if the frets go all the way down (or something). Then he said, "It doesn't really matter... you shouldn't be spending your money on toys. You should buy a real instrument and do something with your life". WTF. By the way, this guy has no job. Later on, he was out on the porch talking to Jim. Jim mentioned that Ben looked familiar (as in he thought he'd seen him in Quincy). Ben said, "Well, I'm in a band. You may have heard of them. They're called the Deadbees. I mean, I'm not super famous... but I'm known". Hurrr. Next, he was in the kitchen with Kate, Kelly, and I. He pointed at one of the prints that Matt gave me from Japan and said he really liked it. I told him that Matt lives in Tokyo and had gave it to me. He started rambling, "Oh, I know this guy that lives in Tokyo. He sent me a compilation that he started and had me finish it. He and I e-mail like 7 times a day. He's super awesome and really supportive of my music. And I'm supportive of his. We like feed on each other's energy and shit. His wife is the awesome Japanese lady. She plays my music for people all the time over there. And like I'm famous with little Japanese school girls and shit. They go crazy for me". I just nodded and walked out of the fucking room. He left for a minute to go downstairs to the car to get something. He came back up wearing a very douchey hat. Becky and I looked at each other, covered our faces, and started giggling like morons.
Then, he gets down on the floor to play with Butch. He was obsessed with Butch. THEN, he gets on his back and pushes himself back and forth across our dining room floor (which is wooden). No reason... he just did it and then got up to go on the back porch where he proceeded to throw down those little "popper" fireworks. A little while later, we were all in the living room. Amber and Allen were asking how you get "star power" on the Rock Band guitars (they own Guitar Hero). Ben said, "Does it really matter? You can never get real star power with one of these". I said, "It's a fucking game, dude". At that point in time, he said that they should probably getting going so they could make the hour or so drive home. I think he was hoping we would invite them to stay the night... but hell fucking no. Kelly went to the bathroom or something and then Ben went in the dining room and randomly started doing push-ups. He was making noise because his chains (or something) were knocking on the floor. So, he got up and came in the living room to do them. Alex asked him why he was doing push-ups and Ben said, "Because I've got a long drive ahead of me, motherfucka". Then he asked us where Kelly went. We said she was in the bathroom and he said, "God, she's such a fucking flake". That's your fiance, dumbass. After he left, we spent a good half an hour talking about him. Amber HATED him and she's made that very clear. She NEVER talks about someone that way. Meesh and Alex kept saying that he was almost like some character out of a sitcom. He was unreal. Oh, and to top it off, Kate said that he was acting 10x nicer that night than he did at the bachelorette party (both to Kelly and to other people). OMFG. Alex and I refuse to go to their wedding. We just CANNOT support that marriage. It's horrible. Kelly is no longer herself. All of her bridesmaids are upset about it and wish the wedding would be called off.
And now, I present you with a sampling of Ben's musical genius:
Click to view
If you actually liked that... I'm not sure what to think of you anymore.
Moving on to Sunday (a.k.a. my birfday). Alex had to work again Sunday morning, so Meesh and I cleaned up around the house a bit and then went to get breakfast/lunch at a diner in Missouri. After that, we ran out to the ARC so I could do payroll and Meesh could be bored lol. Then, we went and fed some deer and buffalo at a local animal park. Then we went home so I could do some homework and we could wait for Alex. That night, Meesh made us a delicious dinner for my birthday. It was awesome and that girl is a seriously talented cook (soon to be chef). We watched Planet Earth for a little bit that night and then passed out. On Monday, Alex had to work again, so Meesh and I ran to Wal-Mart to get a few things and then went to another restaurant for lunch. Twas yummy. When Alex got off work, we went to Hannibal to see the Mark Twain cave. It was touristy and shit, but I thought it would be fun for Meesh. Here are a few pictures:
Batman's trashcan?
LOL! Meesh and I are dorks.
The cave has a stupid little souvenir shop attached. They had a bunch of silly hats. Meesh is a butt pirate.
This turned out blurry. :(
In the cave. We were the only 3 on the tour and we were joking around with the guide.
I haven't posted a picture of my "new" car yet (the Herp Derp Express). Meesh called it a mafia car lol.
I fail at being Tawni Katan lol.
Ladybug sex!!!
Next, we went to this scenic area called Lover's Leap. Pretty views.
Alex being Alex.
My favorite picture from the whole trip.
We got some random people to take our picture.
The couple told us to be silly.
That night, Meesh made us some homemade chicken salad and some caramelized onions for us to use at a later time. Then, we ordered pizza from a local pizza place and watched "Coraline". Creeeeeeeeeepy fucking movie. But I liked it. Then, we all passed out. This morning just involved me taking Meesh to the airport and then coming home. I was really sad to see her go (and she didn't want to leave), but we both had to get back to normal life. Overall it was a fantastic visit and I hope to see her again someday. I love you, Meesh. :-*
I haven't had a chance to read LJ since Friday, so I'm waaaaaaaay behind. I'll catch up over the next couple days. And now I need to go over to my parents' house for a belated birthday dinner.