Jul 17, 2007 21:15
I wrote all these questions to help and now i am going to try and answer them.
How do u stop caring?
I think u stop caring by letting go and not talking to the person. One should work on finding new interests that don't include things about the other person. One should put all the special things behind them and put away the special things that meant something between that person and themselves.
how does one forgive the unforgivable?
I am guessing that one takes time to let go and sometimes it takes day and sometimes it takes a lifetime to forgive things.
This how do i let him go?
I take it one day at a time and turn to new interests and i guess every day the need will get less.
How do i stop thinking what i did wrong?
I take it one day at a time same as above.
Why do men cheat and expect u to do the same?
Men cheat because they are sometimes insecure and can give up the safety net they have in place so they look else where even thought they are causing more hurt than they will ever know by doing it. If people are not getting what they need in a marriage or long term relationship they should just give it up. Men should have ball and break up if they want something that they can have. If u like men and are a man you should be with a man period. U should not date the whole world cause it proves nothing but that your an asshole.
Why couldn't i get some one who loved me and wanted me forever?
I have no answer tho this one
Why does it hurt so much when i just want it to stop?
I am thinking it hasent stoped cause i accually loved him and if i didnt love him it would not hurt as much?
Why do i want to cry even thought it was him that hurt me?
Becasue I loved him and dont know how to stop loving him.
Why am i sad that 4 and 1/2 years are of being cheated on and being lied to are over?
will answer after more thought.