I cannot believe it's Monday again. Didn't I just do this shit? Ugh. Another week ahead of job searching, interviews and rejection. **cocks gun**
Thank gawd the weather is somewhat back to a bearable level. We didn't have to turn on the fan yesterday. It had better stay like this or there's gonna be trouble my friend. Trouble with a capital "T" and that rhymes with "Pee" and I gotta...
On Saturday morning, our lovely couch arrived. No more futon. It's thoroughly enjoyable and if I wasn't a certified lazy ass before, now you really can't get me off this thing, I dare you to try. I'll rip your arm off. I will. But look why! You know you want to touch it...
On Thursday, Aaron flew to LA to see the son of El Santo, the famous Mexican wrestler. Ugh, let me say that I do not share his morbid fascination with this dude...but yeah, I think the posters are cool. These are the latest additions to the Santo wall.
Man, a red suede couch, Mexican wrestler art, a semi-nude mannequin, an over-sized devil bobblehead... it is a brothel! I love it.. I think Martha Stewart would too.
Last night we saw 28 Days Later ... uhm.. that's what it felt like when it finally ended, it was so fucking long. Aaron had a beard at the end of it. In a word, it sucked goat ass. Enjoyed the soundtrack tho..
Better get dressed. Nothing says hello world more, than a naked ass.