Aug 09, 2006 18:08
So, I actually have not yet updated this summer... Sad but true.
Mostly because all I ever do is work and partially because livejournal hates me and sometimes just won't work!
Overall summer has been kinda boring... Again, working mostly, beginning to hate McD's more than anything else in the world. But hey whatcha gunna do? Actually tonight I went into work only to find out that because I had picked up a shift this Sunday, I didn't have to work.. Man I'm Killer!
So I have news for some that may be shocking and the same news may not interest anyone what so-ever. So.... here it comes
I Will Be Returning To Highschool.
Why?- you ask
Well no residence space eqauls no Jenn Kirley
Whatever... I'm really excited for it...
Otherwise not much to report. I've been spending lots of time with Turkey- went to Wonderland, shopping, her place, my place, whatever-
Wonderland is amazing on a Tuesday, waiting a maximum of like 20 minutes in lines... I thought it was killer... Even if I got this massive farmer's tan (who wears a t-shirt to Wonderland? Ooops I guess I did.) Oh well.
While at Wonderland, my sneaky parents did what they had to do. I came home to find that my dog, Sandy, had been put down. This was for the best but I part of me wished I could have been there to say goodbye to her. Right now slightly emotional... But I was holding up well, so I'm trying not to break that right now. It was probably best I wasn't here... That would have been the biggest bawl fest of life! I'll just keep telling myself "It was for the best"
Anyways also changing my room, like complete makeover. Black and white with song lyrics and x's and o's in red and pink... It's in progress... (YAY we're at the primer stage!)
But I gotta jet... mostly sleep, maybe a little read...
Well love yah all!