Nov 16, 2005 08:44
so sitting in the caf after lunch ( a la spare/ AAD for some.)
playing some card with ben, katie burnie, and mallory, with marcy and maggie sittin at the table with us...
so then.. laura steele comes to sit with us and she says something about how this chantel girl wants to beat her up and she is staring at laura (as of that moment)
to continue...
they are walking out (by they i mean chantel, emma and random "friends")
so someone casually mentioned not liking emma's boots and the way she wore them over her pants.
Ben(yelling): God i hate when people wear boots over their pants...
Girls : you need to shut the fuck up blah blah blah...
Girls leave.... then reenter cuz their dumb...
so she and chantel was all maybe u should shut up and then she yelled at laura you havea target on you.. (she was wearing a curling/ pepsi shirt.. idiot)
and then she tried to slam the caf door (the one that NO ONE can slam) and because it didn't make a big bang like she had planned, she looked throw the window with a sour look on her face and she gave us the finger.. oh dear u whore
So then we're sitting there just laughing about it and telling laura that there were no worries and we all switched tables to sit with Tasha, Jessie Clark, Amanda Bell and Kyle. And the next thing we know there are like 6 girls walking in with chantel (this is considerably more than before)
so this blonde fat chick (aka lil murph's gf) cam in and tried telling laura (calmly) that she needs to lay off and leave chantel alone.. of course we're all like wtf. laura isn't like that, chantel started this shit..
so then chantel starts yelling agin all i'm gunna freak out on u and ur a bitch and u wrote fuck u to me on the window of the bus (p.s. thats how this all started..) And she's like i'm gunna kick ur teeth in etc.
so chantel starts leaving the caf and i said to rachel martinez that her friend need to fucking cool it.. and chantel overheard me and she said " you need to lick my balls..."
the caf goes quiet... then ben yells....
omg... caf errupts with laughter and that girl had to have felt soooo dumb
in conclusion shes a fuicking bitch and she needs their a sex change or to warn everyone that she has balls.. before just yelling that kinda stuff...