TSA madness

Nov 29, 2010 03:08

So between rescuing a dog mid-week (yes we found a stray dog on the street and got him a new home in a new record 24-hour period) I've been obsessed with these horrible, unconstitutional, insane new TSA naked scanners and "enhanced" patdowns.

I don't have the energy (it being 3 a.m.) to fully express myself, but here's a starter pack of some of things I've been reading regarding this issue:

http://www.thousandsstandingaround.org/ A small sample of citizen horror stories which have been popping up across the internet. There are some truly heinous stories on here, and for these alone, I'd say abolish the TSA immediately and let the airports go back to handling their own security in a more professional manner.

http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/26/opinion/26iht-edcohen.html One of the only sane things that's been published in the mainstream media lately

http://www.boingboing.net/2010/11/27/molecular-biologist.html Documents safety issues with backscatter machines and how the TSA may be using improper science to deem these machines "safe."

http://www.ourlittlechatterboxes.com/ This is the story that first made me feel horrified by these machines/patdowns. Anyone with a modicum of empathy should be able to feel for this woman and revile her experience.

And finally, if your fear of terrorism still trumps your fear of a police state - check this out: http://blogs.riverfronttimes.com/dailyrft/2010/01/odds_of_dying_in_terrorist_attack_on_airline_1_in_25_million_struck_by_lightning_1_in_500000.php

If after reading these links you're as angry as I am, I implore you to do the following:
1) Write Obama
2) Write other legislators - all of them
3) WRITE THE AIRLINES! They may be our best hope for ending this, as we can tell them we won't fly if these invasive techniques continue. It has, in fact, made the idea of flying home considerably less appealing to me, and I'll probably postpone coming home for a visit as a result, unless, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, America comes to its senses before I get an adequate vacation.
4) Tell your friends. Share links on facebook and LJ, engage in discussion
5) If you're really fired up about the issue, though, protest! There are protests ongoing at airports, with information tables for the more orderly among us and nudity at the security lines for the more daring.

Let's take our country back from those who would harass and humiliate the elderly and traumatize children and sexual assault victims. No one should have to fear their government. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
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