Apr 17, 2009 20:49
So I skipped class today. Its been known to happen. But today, unlike all the rest of the week, means I dont have school at all. Heather skipped class on wed. and kim skipped to register. I think we are all feeling the need to leave. I skipped today due to a horse vet appointment that proved emotionally exhausting but a success nonetheless. Bailey loaded into the trailer (without a single complication! I cant believe what a relief training has made) but still showed a lameness that cant be ignored. We had more xrays taken and when we told them that he hope to break her over the summer she recieved a steriod shot in her leg. She also got 5 shots, 3 doses of sedation (what can I say I am alot like my horse in that I dont go down easy), a tooth pulled, more drilled even, and she was such a sport. I havent seen a horse drugged up that bad since Risky...but I try not to think about that. She was such a good girl...I am simply amazed by her progress.
Today I also spent the morning begging nurseries and Lowes to let us "borrow" plant material for the parking design. It took some convincing but we got two sponsers and even get unit pavers (material used to make retaining walls).
Finally, I unexpectedly spoke to the ASMSU senate (the people who decide where the tuition fees go) in an effort to get them to donate at least 20K to the Danforth Park Restoration. The presentation was amazing! But I may have had a tainted view...you see...I have a huge crush on one of the guys in the group (the important guy of the group). After the presentation, we went to dinner to celebrate and I simply couldnt stop smiling. Spring really must be here...and say goodbye to the snow.
Three more weeks and then...freedom. Until I decide what I am doing for summer...hehe. Oh, and our oven is out of comission as it needs to be replaced by the apartment agency. Oh goodie. I cant imagine a weekend without baking...but I will try.