[Death Note, Fic] Three ways Matt warmed Mello up on his birthday

Dec 13, 2009 20:01

I couldn't resist, after all the posts on my (personal LJ) flist! Man, you guys are so awesome.

In honour of Mello's birthday, "Three ways Matt warmed Mello up on his birthday". Exactly 100w each, hastily written, and utterly shameless.

Happy birthday Mello~ ♥

“Couldn’t you have rented a better insulated flat?” Mello hissed.

Matt didn’t even look up from his DS. “With the money you gave me? Jesus, this is LA. We’ll be living in a cardboard box from next month as it is.”

“If I have sex with you,” Mello ventured, “will you make me a mug of hot chocolate?”

Matt rolled his eyes. “I think you forget which one of us is the queer.”

“If only Rod were here. He’d...”

“Urgh, fine! I’ll make you hot chocolate, spare me the details.”

“... tell me I was a spoilt brat.”

“You wanker.”


“You could run me a hot bath too.”


“We could both sit in it. You playing your DS and me drinking my hot chocolate.”


“Fully clothed of course. I’m not that sort of man.”

“Run it yourself.”

“But it’s my birthday. And for all we know it could be my last. My life is so tragic, with no light at the end of the tunnel, let alone a hot bath...”

“Will you stop whinging if I run you a bath?”

“No, but I’ll whinge from the bathroom where it’ll be more difficult for you to hear.”

“Good enough.”


“Matt! I see naked women from the bathroom window! Come quick!”

“Is this a trick? Are you going to surprise me with your danglies if I come in?”

“I thought we agreed to never speak of that again. Hurry!”


“Mello, you ripped those pictures from my magazines! And taped them on the bathroom window.”

“I have the remains of the magazines here. Since you’re here anyway, jump in the tub. It’s my birthday and all.”

“You’re so horribly shameless. You better have something amazing planned for my birthday.”

“Strip clubs for sure,” Mello responded with a perfectly straight face.
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