Nov 24, 2000 21:54
splendid darkness lends its hands to the untangling of the bindings that make me who i am.. and now i stretch the fibers of my being to recall.... Who am i? ... Mind full of drunkenness, full of absurdities.. of unknown nothings and everything entangled into spaceless existance... black hole... Sucking me in to the place in which no thought exists.. Learn sceince to tell us that we know nothing and that everything is indefinable and indescribable..... But we categorize it anyway.. Slimy stench of ignorance invading the thought-formation of the masses.. Slip-slide your way to hate... wonder why we die alone.... Stop asking questions and you will no longer be saddened by the lack of answers.. Infinite answers... Infinitely NO... No never again shall you see the face which allowed you to stand.. Your feet are but formers of thought! Think, little bastards, think... Sulfuric Acid... Sulfate.. Hydrogen......... Nonsense.. Name it, but do you know its use? From where did it come? Did you make it? No, simply named it... Name it.. Go ahead. It'll make you feel better, feel accomplished.. Satisfy your craving to know everything and be everything you can.... In the aaaarmy... you stand alone, foolish child. Mommy can't hear you now... Oh she could, but she's locked herself in the rain.. Don't you see? The flooding drops.. the wonderful cooless against her cheek.. they block out your cries for help... What makes you think you are any different than I am?? Your lofty rooms.. Your lofty morals and thoughts.. Exaggerated words and fictional fact! The difference floats by your feet in the sludge of insecurity. The difference.. is i no longer pretend.... I know the difference matters for nothing, and any exaggeration makes you look more foolish! HA! laugh on, prick. Laugh it up, 'cause you look more stupid every day. Pay the mailman to make you beautiful.. His boot smacks the pavement with authority. He's got a gift for the patient recipient.... Ahhhh but there's a price to pay for immortal life! A price! Splendid red blood spilling on the floor..... Step beside it.. Step around it.. The un-mentioned elephant in the room.. No one will notice if we don't give it a name.. If we don't name it, by God it isn't there.. It's just.. a concept.. just an idea thought up by some 16-yr-old freak witha livejournal... Then where have our hearts gone? Have we no feeling?? Do we not bleed?? Ahh yes.......... We gave it all to the mailman.