This is my last post on Books of 2010 and I figured what better way to end than with The Best of the Best?
Hotly Anticipated
Part of me (or 99% is more like it) could not wait to read Mockingjay. The other 1% was sad because I didn't want the series to end and I didn't want to rush through it! But I did. I read in 1.3 days. I know some people had issues with this book. It certainly wasn't perfect. There was a lot of telling in the end and parts of it left me disconnected from Katniss. BUT...even when Suzanne Collins is at her worst (and I don't think this was her worse, by far), she's still far better than most of us. She's just so good at what she does. I know some people disliked how cold Katniss was, but for me, it fit her character. Maybe she wasn't always likeable, but she stayed true to who she was. And with the way things went downhill, it's no surprise Katniss turned colder as the story progressed. I *hope* the writing world has another breakout book like Twilight or The Hunger Games soon, because there is nothing quite as exciting as reading the same book you know half the world is reading right along with you.
Lots of Hype
I'll admit, I bought this book (or rather, I put it on my Christmas list and my mom bought it) because of the hype. I didn't think I'd like it *that* much. But WOW, did I ever love it. The writing was fluid and lyrical. The story was beautiful despite the controlled, bland world Cassia lived in. I loved the use of poetry in the text. I loved that one of the boys, Ky, was SO much more than he showed the world. I love characters that keep a little something from the reader in the beginning.
With that said, I was a *bit* disappointed with the climatic scene. It was a little light on action, which left me feeling like this was the story to get the real story started. But, in the long run, that didn't matter. Because I still tore through the book. I still tweeted Ally Condie on Twitter and told her I was totally available to blurb Book #2 if she wanted to send it to me like...yesterday. :P When #2 comes out, I'm there. I ♥ KY!
And that concludes my recap of Books I Read in 2010 and L-O-V-E-D.
I'm thinking of putting together a list of the books I'm looking forward to in 2011. There are a lot. I think it'll be a good year for book releases. In a few weeks, Joe and I are heading south to the closest B&N for some shopping and Starbucks! Can't wait. Even though it'll only be February, I have a list that's far too long.