Nov 23, 2006 12:22
Because my inlaws have cancelled having Thanksgiving with us!!! Not that that's a big suprise. Every time we make plans with them, they back out at the last minute. This time it was because "traffic is so bad on Thanksgiving." The freeway that you take to get from their house to our house NEVER has traffic....not even during rush hour on a week day. NO TRAFFIC!! But Jimmy and Anna (FIL's brother and his wife) come up from San Diego and "they spend all day in traffic." Well retards, that's because they take the 405 which ALWAYS has bad traffic. What-the-fuck-ever.
So they asked if we could get together Saturday, and because he loves me and wants to spare my sanity, Shawn told them we were busy! WOOHOO! will be a quiet, inlaw free day! So we decided to forgo the turkey (I's completely unAmerican...get over it!) and instead I'm making BBQ ribs, au gratin potatoes, california style veggies, and several appetizers that we can just munch on during the day. We went to Blockbuster and rented a bunch of movies and stocked up on Cold Stone ice cream. I pre-made most of the dinner, so it should be a really fantasticlly relaxing day! We'll also be inlaw free for xmas if anyone feels like driving out this way to see us.
Anyway....Shawn bought me a new toy this week. (Not that kind of toy, pervert!) It's a new 30G Creative Zen Vision:M MP3 player. I LOVE IT! It does music and photos and movies. He bought me a smaller 6G player for my birthday last year, but it broke, so he got me a new one!! So, I'm busy filling it up with music and movies and all kinds of cool stuff. I guess this makes up for all the money he's spent lately on golfing and the driving range and WOW! ;)
Speaking of WOW....What the HELL was I thinking when I said yes to that one? We had battled about it for months. All his buddies at work were playing, and I kept fighting him on it. Between golfing and surfing, and all the other crap he spends money and time on, I kept saying he wouldn't have time for it. But finally he wore me down and I gave in. He actually recruited Steve (his coworker, my "boyfriend") and Steve's wife (the traitor) to convince me that it was a good idea for him to get it....So I broke down and said yes. How stupid am I????? VERY STUPID!! So....for the last 2 months, I have become a WOW widow....I swear he'd play the damn thing during sex if he thought he could get away with it! Okay, maybe it's not that bad....but it's still pretty bad. He's on the damn thing ALL the fucking time!! I'm actually writing this post waiting for him to get done so we can go to bed.
Anyway...I'm exhausted, so I think I'm going to wrap this up for tonight.
Happy Thanksgiving!!