(no subject)

Sep 18, 2006 14:29

I've been racking my brain trying to come up with something to write about other than the usual update, but so far....I got nothing!

The apartment is looking decent. We still have a mountian of clothes in the bedroom which will be there until we work up the energy to go buy more hangers. The balcony also still needs a little work. But not much will change out there until I can convince hubby to get rid of the THREE rubbermaid totes full of roleplaying shit....none of which he will ever use again, yet refuses to get rid of. Other than that, the place is pretty much done. The bedroom needs some pictures hung up on the still-blank walls, but that will happen over time, I'm sure. There's still a standing invitation for anyone who feels like road-tripping our way.

I'm really loving Ventura. It's big enough that it has all of the amenities we need, but small enough to still have a "community" feel to it. Shawn is starting Akido next week, and we've decided to enroll Connor into a kid's class. I think since we're not doing school, it will give him a chance to interact with kids his age, which he needs. My mom sent me a bunch of preschool activity books last week, so I think that in the next few weeks, I'm going to start working with Connor for a little while everyday. We're still debating on Kumon. We're going to pay 65 a month for him to do Akido, and 85 a month for Shawn to do it, and I'm worried about making money be too tight if we do Kumon too (170/month). So...we're still debating what we're going to do. And after all....he is only 3. It's not like we're debating sending him to first grade or not. It's just preschool. And he'll still be young enough that he'll do preschool next year. With a new baby coming, I'm just not sure I want the added commitment either. I've been feeling a lot worse lately, and I seem to have less and less energy for...well, anything really.

I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon. This past week has been really hard. I'm throwing up a lot again, and last Tuesday I passed out while I was throwing up. I've broken all the blood vessels in my face from throwing up so hard. My doctor wants to re-evaluate my meds and see if there's anything different I could be doing. My damn HMO won't cover Zofran, because it's too expensive, so I'm hoping that there's an alternative, or that my doctor can convince them to perscribe it.

Connor finally decided this week to be potty trained.....So......I'd just like to say to all those people (my inlaws) who kept pressuring me about potty training....kiss my ass! The kid did it in 2 days because he decided he was ready. Not because I set the timer and ran him to the bathroom every 30 minutes, or because I bribed him with toys or candy....but because he was just ready. He's been in "big boy pants" for two days now, and hasn't had a single accident. WOOHOO!! No more diapers!! That saves A LOT of money every month.

Our digital camera's batteries are dead, but as soon as they're working again, I'm going to take pictures of our apartment, and of my big pregnant belly to post on my blog. Anyway...that's about it for now. I need to get a shower and get ready for my doc's appointment, and nap time is almost over.
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