Nov 18, 2008 18:31
See, Philip Nel (omgyum) posted a link to a story about people organizing a blacklist against Prop 8 supporters.
This makes me uncomfortable, even more so than the number of Prop 8 like things that passed (including in my home state of FL). Those I figure will be overturned, eventually, as they are so very clearly unconstitutional.
But blacklisting people? Isn't that kind of a, um, right-wing thing? McCarthyism, anyone? It's just as wrong when it supports OUR causes. We ALL have the right to choose our political (and moral) stances, even when asshole-y people make bad choices and try to take that fundamental right of CHOICE from others.
So, yeah. Disappointed. Not *as* disappointed as I was to hear about the increased level of threats against a president-elect--Obama's apparently garnered more than any of the others in the history of the Secret Service--and various versions of hate- and/or race-based crimes since the election.
Doesn't ANYone out there learn from the past these days?