Mar 04, 2006 22:22
1. Who was your favorite all time teacher(s)?
My favorite teachers were always the hardest, because I always had more to gain from them. I always liked the challenge. Everywhere there is one teachers that blows my mind.
2. What did they teach?
The last one was art theory. Klank that was a HOT class. It basically changed my entire world perspective.
3. What is your best memory from that class?
Um..class in general. He would tell us these hella random stories that somehow became about stuff like the transcendentals, and the world harmony. Like whoah.
4. Did you ever have a crush on a teacher and if so who?
YES!! in college, i started getting super hot T.A. (teaching assistants) there was the math boy, 2 drawing guys, and 2 painters. nice..oh are really yummy.
5. What is the craziest/wildest/weirdest thing you (or someone you know) ever did at school? lets see any numbers of drunk events like, when i tried to swim on the carpet. the birth of topless gen...oh man.