Educational film about
George Washington. Note the innovative use of breathing as percussion. And how awesome it is.
Also has anyone seen Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. It is the new series from Aaron Sorkin who previously has made The West Wing and Sports Night. It's good, but I'm having a hard time getting over how autobiographical it is because it is essentially saying "I, Aaron Sorkin, am the savior of television. All aside from me are worthless hacks. Worship me, WORSHIP ME." If you're writing a show that is essentially all about how awesome you are, you need to make sure that the show proves your awesomeness. So far it has fallen a bit short of that--mostly because of the sketches of the show-within-a-show. Someone needs to slap him and tell him that Gilbert and Sullivan aren't timeless and classy, they're old, possibly gay, but definitely old. Also the Cemedie del'arte sketch (it was portrayed as brilliant and misunderstood, but if they did it enough it will be embraced as the greatest thing ever) is essentially just Perhiperal Vision Man (an unfunny low-effort sketch that they used to throwing when they ran out of good stuff) with copious amounts of intellectual masturbation. So the end result of this is that Sorkin is joining Tarantino on the list of people who's work I admire, but think they're jackasses. Anyone else have an opinion?