Scheduling and sleep

Oct 21, 2010 14:54

I know I never post here anymore... any of you still around? If so, sorry. :( I tend to microblog onto Twitter/Facebook these days instead.

I had a big conversation with my husband today about our various scheduling woes of getting Buglet to school vs. when I can come home from work, my lack of sleep due to late-pregnancy (brax-hicks contractions, peeing, etc.), my tremendous lack of energy which will surely continue at least till I'm recovered from c-section surgery, the many projects I want/need to work on in Second Life meanwhile so I can keep this money coming in from there... and later, how we'll deal with scheduling for another baby later and me needing to get up in the wee hours to breastfeed.

My conclusion: the best thing I can do to address pretty much ALL that is to make good use of my time in the evenings and also to get to bed earlier. If I'm not actively working in SL or actively doing something beyond puttering around on the Web? I need to just GO TO BED early. Being well-rested will serve me well and is time well-spent; then I can get up well before Buglet and be ready for her, maybe telework, etc.

It's depressing because going to bed early, at first glance, seems like it invariably equates to a loss of free time. But it doesn't have to be a loss of quality free time. If I'm not happily tinkering away on some project, if I'm already braindead because I'm tired and just passing the time before "official" bedtime? I ought to just go on ahead and sleep.
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