Apr 03, 2007 01:09
so i had just the best nite ever OMG it was good
i went to this sports bar i usually go 2 my bf is da bartender and one of his old friends hes icky eww and he sux god i hate him anyway he went up to da bar and he asked if he could get a beer on da house
u see he knows my bf well he used to see him a lot more but not NEmore heehee hes mine now i got my bf 2 say that hes only got time 2 see u fux for about a few hrs while hes at work at night u kno so he can "close" early 4 me hehehehee but the rest of the time i can come
so NEway i was fuckn pissed i mean wtf u dont get no free drinks k i only get em but i let my good side sho thru and let him have it im such a generus and good girl heeheehee
i then got him to do som of my taxes i mean shit its not like he was doin anything better u know? after that i wanted to watch a dvd that just came out so i was like sorry i wanna watch it change da channel. the ppl were all pissed off and my bf was all confused but i said well theres a other tv on da other side of da bar u can watch there u know and shit fuckin whiners
i mean ya i dont make fun of ur sports show and hootin and shit i wanna watch lifetime got it?
they all left all pissed off and da bartender was saying ya i was gonna close up anyway and so he let me watch it awww ya i showed those fuckers