Apr 12, 2009 21:28
I should really go to bed if I want to be sane in the morning, but I'm not, so there.
You see, my parents decided it would be fun to go to the Sunrise service at the Sydney Opera House this morning. Sunrise=6am. We live in the Blue Mountains, meaning the train ride into the City is about an hour and a half, when you get the all-stations train (like we did.) In short, I was up at 3 am this morning. I only did church twice as opposed to three times on Good Friday. 6 am at the Opera House; and again at 9:30 at Wesley Mission, downtown Sydney. Then another train ride back to Penrith, my Aunt's suburb, where we spent the rest of the afternoon with Easter dinner, egg dying, hot tubbing and watching that Ducks hockey movie that came out like 20 years ago. Disney or something - it was a very strange movie to be watching on Easter Sunday.
Then we finally came home and everyone was meant to collapse in bed, but I had just finished the final official Chapter of the Fitzhugh Legacy, so I really wanted to read the Epilogue, and then the Christmas Carol, and then I caved and read the first chapter of the Apocalypse. I'm sorta feeling guilty about it - Eddie, Lala, and Donita have updated in the past few days, and I've been too busy reading this one to read and comment on theirs properly. I will get to it, I will. But for now, I am also feeling very accomplished.
Some of you may have heard about my computer woes. The gist of it is the graphics card is being really stupid. I could play the sims if it was only for myself, but the graphics card seems to be getting worse, even if I pull all my CC, and cut down to only one neighbourhood in the game at a time. So everyone go and set all your graphic setting to the lowest level - my game is reverting to that, even when it's set to the highest. I've given up on shooting scenes of any sort. The game has also reverted to crashing whenever I try to invite sims to a lot. As I said, I pulled all my CC and surplus neighbourhood files, and nothing is working.
There is hope, though. My dad double-checked some of the documents he received from the government. My brother, my sister and I each qualify for a $750 tax refund at the end of the financial year for technology purchases (part of Kevin Rudd's plan to save Australia from the recession or something). So I went and found an affordable computer on the dell website that would run the Sims 2 smoothly (I hope). I bargained with my parents, cleaned my room, applied for the job at McDonalds that I was meant to apply for weeks and weeks ago (got a reply asking for an interview not 24 hours later - let's face it - one place that I will always be able to get a job at is McDonalds,) and I *think* come my dad's next paycheque I will able to order the computer.
So I've been writing. Not for the Desjardines, though I know I need to work on that. But for Wyn. I love Wyn. I played her for a full ten minutes before my game crashed and I love Wyn. I'm really hoping I'll be allowed more than one album on the exchange or something, because I think I've gone too far above and beyond what the others wanted for spares. I probably also nearly drove Lark insane with questions and AIM chats. But I'm really quite proud of how its turning out. (for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, look for the Boolpropian Round Robin Legacy in "Legacy Stories" over at boolprop.)
So that's me right now. And score, this is actually partially Sims related! So what has everyone else been up to?
personal stuff,