Feb 08, 2004 15:01
Hello there journal.
I know i dont write in you often enough.. but quite honestly, i just forget.
I can tell something funny that happend this past week. Funny but sad:
The teacher I work with, Ms. Gaby, has a 2 and a half hear old son, Scotty. The other day he wanted to color so he went and got a fat colored pencil and was walking around (in his side to side little kid way) getting paper to color on. He was also sort of singing to himself about coloring. He came to me to ask me to take the chairs off of a table so he had space to color. He sat down and colored and murmored to himself while Gaby and I cleaned up the room. Then out of the blue he burst out in an uncharacteristicly deep voice and said "F***ing S**t" ...apprently his dad says that sometimes while he's driving and Scotty has chosen it as a phrase to imitate.
Oh boy. Kids are funny sometimes.