Major PMS

Mar 21, 2010 22:15

I hate when my emotions feel completely out of control. PMS doesn't always hit me this way, but when it does, things are way ugly. I scream or cry at the most ridiculous things, and even when I am doing it I am wondering why I am acting so ridiculous. I hate being that way. It makes me feel like such a brat afterwards. And it only fuels my husband's fire. One of my number one pet peeves with him is that he will make comments such as, "You must be on your period," whenever I get upset about something. 9 times out of 10 I am not, and this frustrates me. However, if I can't keep my emotions in check when I AM on my period, it is hard for me to get upset by that statement. *sigh* I love being a woman most of the time, but sometimes...
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