
Jan 01, 2010 22:29

Every New Year's Day, I find myself reflecting on the past year, and thinking about the new year ahead. As I was running errands this morning, I could not help but think of the challenges this new year will hold, but I am hopeful, as always, that God will have many blessings in store.

2009- The Good and the Bad

*Started the year busier than ever- teaching full time, coaching gymnastics in the evening, working on my Master's, and visiting Jeff in Alabama when possible. January through May was filled with numerous ups and downs as I balanced this crazy schedule.

*In May, I said goodbye to one of my most difficult challenges of the year- my second second grade class. It was a difficult, demanding, challenging school year, but I learned so much!

*Gymnastics is one of my true passions in life. I loved coaching again. Unfortunately, in July, the gym I was happily working at changed owners. I did not feel comfortable continuing to coach under the new owners and with a new school year looming, I decided to stop coaching. While probably the best decision I ever made (looking back), I miss coaching, and I look forward to the day I am back at it again.

*August was a great but busy month. I had my 24th Brithday, a new school year started, and Jeff graduated from flight school. I was so thrilled to have a great new class and a husband at home to share it all with again.

*September ended in the worse possible way. We learned that our precious baby, Chloe, had a spinal tumor. There was nothing we could do to cure her. We were devestated!

*October 1, 2009 we put our baby to sleep. She was in so much pain, and she was not enjoying life the way she always did. This was by far the hardest day of 2009 for me!

*In November, Jeff hit a deer on the way to work, totaling his truck, but thankfully, he was safe. I had to take the whole day off work as we cleaned the truck out at the junkyard and searched for his wedding band on the side of the road. We are blessed with great insurance, and Jeff now has a brand new 2010 truck. God really blessed us this month as we closed with wonderful family for Thanksgiving.

*December was a month full of blessings, as well. I started the month with my first 5K. It was a personal vicotry for me to complete the race, but even more of a victory when I won first place. We enjoyed time with all of our amazing family, and I finally completed all my requirements for graduate school! In January, I should officially receive my Master's Degree!!

*I also lost 35 pounds in 2009. I am finally proud of my body, and I feel better than ever!

Overall, it felt like a tough year. Looking back though, I realize how truly blessed we were in 2009. In the difficult times, God never left our side.

Looking Ahead to 2010...

Jeff turns 26 and I will turn 25. We will celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary. I will finish my 3rd year of teaching and begin my 4th in the fall. But the one thing that sticks out to me, and the sole reason I am just not excited about 2010, is Jeff deploys to Afghanistan in August. While this itself will be a challenge for us, it also brings about many more challenges. 2010 was the year we hoped to move and try to start a family. But these goals have been postponed until Jeff returns in 2011. I am beyond disappointed, but I am trying to remain hopeful. God will not fail us, and I know there is a reason he has planned our life this way.

My personal goals for 2010:
*Maintain my weight loss by continuing to workout daily.
*Read for fun.
*Enter more 5K races.
*Attend church every Sunday and take a more active role.
*Give 100% to my students every day.
*Look into the requirements for becoming a PE teacher.

Here's to 2010! May it be a year of health, peace, love, and blessings for us all!
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