I've been meaning to (and wanting to) post some pictures. Now that the semester is over, I have time to do it.
First is my cutie niece. She turned 2 months old on Friday. I can't believe how big she is getting!
I took a few pictures this past weekend.
haha she was sliding down in the corner of the couch. She doesn't look like she's enjoying herself.
I couldn't get her to smile (her smiles are the best!), but she's cute nonetheless
I love her!
Ok, now on to pictures from the Miltary Ball. This was about 3 weeks ago (April 21st). I loved my dress, but hated my hair. Michelle came to my rescue and fixed it as best as it could be fixed (she recurled all of it...I couldn't thank her enough), but I still hated the way it was pulled back and the three blobs on my head as I so lovingly referred of them.
Jeff and I really enjoyed ourselves. We always enjoy getting dressed up and spending time together. I was extremely disappointed though that the people who rode with us wanted to leave so early. I wanted to dance the night away.
Anyway...onto the pictures
Amy and me
Amy and her date, Bolson (or Jake, but we never call him that)
the girls- Amy, Michelle, Me
I love this picture!!! Jeff and I were sharing a moment, and Amy caught it on camera.
My beautiful Michelle (jeff's sister and my best girlie friend- my MOH for the wedding)
The one million pictures of me that Jeff always takes...
confused haha
The sun was in my eyes
Jeff and I
Everyone standing around waiting to get in
Michelle and Jeff, brother and sister
Bolson and Amy, Me and Jeff
during dinner
a self portrait...haha we need to work on these
a little better, though we both look goofy
I know it's hard to see, but this is us walking under the sabers. They honor the seniors, so I got to escort Jeff.
posing toward the end of the evening
I love Jeff's face here.
and licks! haha
are we done with pictures yet?
kiss, kiss
a few to close the night...
just a grin
finally taking my hair down!!
a little wine to close the night ;)
The End!