Jul 27, 2003 21:06
Hey all! Well well...let's see where to begin?! I got home Thursday evening sometime, ran around a bit w/ my mom and went to bed extremely early (that drive will sersiously wear a girl out!). Friday I got up and went out to run some errands w/ my mom. Lauren, my little bro.s girlfriend went out with us..she's really cool. She's really good for Shaun, and I'm so happy that I got to spend some time w/ her this weekend. Well when we finished w/ our errands we went to Navarre and I got my tattoo! Yes ladies and gentlemen you heard (or read) me correctly this good girl got a tattoo. Who'da thunk it right? This chickbutt actually walked into a tattoo parlor and got a tattoo. It's really cute, it's just a small butterfly on my left foot. Ask me I'll show you!
So after the tattooing we went to dinner w/ my bro. and my dad (they had spent the daydoing some male bonding on the golf course). I then went out with my good ole' home fry friends. It was great. One sidebar, and don't take this wrong, cause I love my friends dearly but I kinda get down on myself when I'm out with them. I think it has something to do w/ most of our conversations seem to center on dating and thier relationships...they are all in wonderful relationships, and I'm really happy for them, but I really HATE being the single girl. Oh well.
Saturday was marathon wedding stuff day. Again, I had to run errands w/ my mom, then I went and checked into the hotel at the beach and made it back home w/ 30 min. to spare before the actual lingerie shower began. The shower went great and the bachelorette party was great....well that's to say everyone had a good time. I wish I didn't get so uncomfortable going out w/ people I don't know, but I do...so for that reason I didnt' have as much fun as I should have, but my sister (the bride to be) had a blast, did a lot of things she wouldn't normally do, and survived the night w/ lots of good memories, so I guess the evening was a complete success!! Score 2 for me! So I finally made it home from the beach at about 3:30 AM and was in bed by 4. My sister woke me up at 11:30 when her friend dropped her off at home and she climbed into bed w/ me and woke me up. So I got up, I got a shower, went to lunch w/ my mom and was on the rode by 1:30 (2:30 O-town time). I got back here by 9 and I should be hitting the books, but alas I'm typing this journal instead so you know what's up in my life! Ok the end, time to study....night night all!
Love ya!