Oct 24, 2005 21:09
I love Orlando. Actually, I don't know if it's Orlando so much as the people and the availability to do things after 10pm that I love so much, but either way I loved being in Orlando this past weekend. Left Columbia around 9 and got to O-town around 3:30. I went by the training room, but since the football game was switched to Friday night because of the hurricane no one was there...sad, I need help finding a job for the next couple years. So then I went to Sean's place..that's where I stayed. We hung out for about an hour or so then we were off to Maitland I think to see "Mirror Mask" at an Indy theater (independent film theater). It was an interesting movie..very artistic, with some really great illustration....and a moral lesson. It was pretty good. The theater was awesome...much fun. So then back to Sean's we went to change cloths for Howl at the Moon. Yes, I actually convinced Sean to go to Howl w/ me and my sisters. Ended up being Me, Sean, Dawn, John, Meg, and Mandy...Tammy and Krystal met us down there. Howl at the Moon is SOOO much fun! We all had an absolute blast....even Sean. The girls all got pretty um...tipsy, we made friends w/ some random guys, danced, sang, yelled, drank, and took a lot of photographs....it was so much fun! And exactly what I need after the past month. We closed down the bar, droved meg to her car and then followed her home to make sure she made it safe. Back to Sean's and off to bed.
Got up around 11 on Saturday..lunch w/ Dawn and Tammy, then once again back to Sean's to chill and watch TV. 5pm Dawn, John, and Jason met us at the apt and all 5 of us piled in my car and off we went to Halloween Horror Nights. Another great night! Is it weird to enjoy being scared? I guess it's ok when you know you are pretty safe. We all agreed that the 3rd haunted house was the best...but none of us can remember the name of it...I know it's in Universal studios if that helps! LOL. So that was all great. Bill and Ted's Halloween show was funny, the houses were good, the rides were great...and directing the "Scare-actors" to get Dawn was just too much fun!!! ;-) Jason, being the engineer that he is, enjoyed the houses for their construction...he was always looking around, up, down, everywhere....he never seemed too concerned w/ the ghost and goblins and zombies in the houses. Dawn and I however were a completely different story. Dawn was basically a back pack to John whenever we were in the houses and I was tap dancing my way away from all of the haunts...but I didnt' scream...at least not a loud scream. It was entertaining to those I was with so that's all that matters. I highly recommend HHN....it's fun and frightening...best of both worlds. LOL.
Sunday I got up and went to brunch w/ Dawn and Ann-Marie at Perkins, ordered new wind shield wiper blades and went back to Sean's to go back to bed....I was very zombiesk myself (meaning I was tired and required more sleep to function). I climbed out of bed again around 3 when the guy from the auto store called to say they got my windshield wiper blades and I went to pick them up. Then Sean and I met Dawn, John, Candace, Jason, and Sean's brother Ian at Sonney's for an early dinner...I love Sonney's and I hate SC for not having one near me. Sean's brother is a trip and a half...so much like Sean. After hearing some of his stories though I felt like I needed to call and have a long discussion w/ my own little brother...LOL. It was absolutley wonderful to see everyone this weekend.
I drove home last night and didn't get back til almost 2 am....I was lucky to stay awake....actually considering the "No Doz", Mt. Dew, hot chocolate, and the energy bar I ate I was pretty lucky to get to sleep once I finally got to bed. LOL. My cell phone decided not to wake me up this morning...but somehow my internal clock new to get me up. I woke up at 8:50 for a 9:30 class...and hte class was 20 min away...but as I drive like a bat out of hell I made it just in time. Once class was over I got hte delightful news that Rod is letting me do my 8-10 page research paper on Imagery as a rehabilitation intervention. The reason this is so great is when i copy and pasted the actual rehab section of my lit. review I just did for my research methods course/thesis I have 8 pages....that's hot. LOL. I also started working on my surgery presentation for 2 weeks from now....who'd being productive? Yeah that's right...Jen!!
Alrighty then. I think we are pretty well caught up on my weekend. If you require more specifics you know the drill. Otherwise until I get the energy and time to write again I much say farewell. Night peeps! Hope all survived Wilma safetly..and remember my door is always open and I love visitors!! :-) Bye bye people!
Love yas, Jen