Sep 05, 2005 10:55
Being back in a high school environment is so surreal sometimes. I really am enjoying it for me most part which is great. The volleyball players drive me crazy and my AD is incompetent, but other than that it really is fun. My football players are really appreciative and have gotten used to my sense of humor and my moods which of course makes my life easier. For the first several weeks whenever anyone asked if anything interesting had happened I always said, "No, not even so much as a real heat cramp." Of course you know I was jinxing myself. Soon after I said that I got 2 high ankles in 2 weeks...still not a big deal. A few sprained fingers, yeah that's to be expected. Some mild heat cramps, still doing fine. Then 2 weeks ago on Wednesday I had a kid go down doing defense drills. He was acting as the reciever and was pulled down by the back of his shoulder pads. Turned out he fractred his FEMUR!! Ok anyone who knows about anatomy knows this is not a common, minor deal. This is a huge, serious, medical emergancy type injury. Who'da thunk you'd get one during football practice with out a violent, high speed impact. Certainly not I since being the idiot I am my initial diagnosis was wrong, but either way EMS had to be called so I really didn't screw up all that bad.
So flash forward to this past Friday night. We are playing against AC Flora and there are about 2.5 minutes left in the first half. Keenan is down like 21-3 or something equally as ridiculous. The play is coming toward our sidelines and the player from AC Flora dives out of bounds right into one of my assistant coach's legs. My coach goes down hard, hits his head on the ground and doesn't move. I'm about 10 steps away I get to him and realize he is unconcious. I take C-spine and check for breathing...THANK GOD he was breathing! Had EMS called onto the field. By the time the Doc for the other team got to my side my coach was coming around. (elapsed time about 45 sec I'd say) So between EMS, the doc, and myself we decide to spine board my coach. For those of you keeping track this is the 2nd time I've spine boarded, but this time I maintained control of the head the entire was crazy. Side bar: coach is ok, concussion (no frikkin duh) but he went home that night. Then at half time one of my players got smacked in the face w/ a teammates helmet when his teammate lost his balance and threw out his arms. Steri strip time...aint footbal great? lol. To put a happy ending on the story my boys came back from being almost 20 down to winning by 3....this is the first game in 3 years that they've won!!! It was great to see them all so happy, I can only hope they will continue this trend.
Saturday I got my hair cut...I'd say a couple inches at least. I'm happy w/ it and at this point since I'm single that's really all that matters. So then I drove 45 min to augusta , ga to spend the weekend w/ my best childhood friend amelia. We really didn't do anything terribly exciting, but it was great to just relax and goof off. We went to a minor league baseball game on Saturday and saw my friend Kristy from Orlando then went hom and watch "Man of the House" it's pretty funny in a stupid way. Then Sunday we had a late lunch, did some shopping, ate dinner at Emily's (another childhood firend/also amelia's roommate who happens to be out of town) parent's house. Then back to the condo to watch the NC State (Amelia's undergrad) and Virginia Tech. Good game. So now it's Monday and I'm just killing time before we go get lunch and I head back to psycho town...or columbia as most people know it. FSU v. Miami tonight....the biggest ACC game of the year according to ESPN...seriously is it a good idea to have the biggest conference game on the first weekend of play?
Anyways that's all the excitement in my life...i know it's really not that exciting, but it is my life. Time to go finish getting ready for lunch, peace out peoples! Remember my door is always open to anyone who needs to escape for a couple days! Love yas, miss yas,