Jun 28, 2005 17:43
Have you ever put on high heals w/ socks and walked around your apartment in an attempt to make the heals stretch and be more comfortable? If not you really should... LOL
OK randomness aside....I am finally done w/ camps for the summer. My family was here this weekend and we had a lot of fun even though they weren't here nearly long enough. Sunday we went rafting and just had a blast. My little cousins had never been down the Chatooga and my new cousin (in-law) had never been rafting before...the Chattooga IV is a heck of a river to give your V-card to, but he did very well for a white water virgin. Lots of fun stuff. Daddy fell out twice, the second time was really scary since he got sucked in a hydro and pulled under the boat...but luckily he's just fine. Good stuff
So now I'm back in Cola...sleeping in my own bed...workin in the training room and trying to finish up Summer I class. Not too bad really. David had moved in next store which is cool...time will tell if this is going to be great or really bad...I'm betting it will be great. I'm working on a scrapbook for my grad school experience and it's looking pretty good so far if I do say so myself (which I do)!
Ok so that's really all...I know I'm incredebly boring which is just one of the many reasons I'm still single...but hey another story for another day right? Alrighty..the end!
Luv yas,
Here's a little quote for you...I think I made it up, but I really can't be sure!--The only situation that should be treated as life or death is a life or death situation.--pretty good huh? Peace out!