Choice Valentine Sites

Feb 14, 2006 23:59

C-YA - Catholic Youth Abstaining
A quaint campaign to put the SAINT back in Valentine's Day. Viewers are invited to send in their own favourite examples of scandalously inappropriate raunchy Valentine cards for the righteous ones to deplore. A seductive picture of a very feminine pale-skinned Jesus with a neatly-trimmed beard and bedroom eyes (though the historical Jesus would more likely have been swarthy, with a bushy beard and a turban) appears over the words "BE MINE."
Eat your heart out, abstinent Catholic youth! If only Freud were alive today.

From Werewolves With Love - History Of Valentine's Day
At the other end of the spectrum, Brad Steiger helpfully explains how Valentine's Day is actually based on the Roman Lupercalia festival, which was a tad raunchier than today's hearts-and-flowers version. The Church appropriated the holiday in an effort to tone it down.
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