I dunno. Why not? This is the in-between journal, which records the crazy thoughts I'm not willing to share with professional contacts, who may be reading my other blog:
http://www.thingsthatcouldkillmeinvietnam.blogspot.com but not the super crazy thoughts that I won't even share with most of my friends because they'll think I'm insane. Yeah, you didn't know there was stuff about me I didn't talk about, did you? Well, there is. Every now and then, I can shut up and keep a secret. So there. Thbbbbbt.
I am writing to you now from Vietnam, and there's something about living holed up in a studio apartment in a foreign country that makes you really want to journal and reflect. So here I am, back again. Also, I wanted to make sure I could keep my account active so my screen name doesn't get purged and all that, because I rather like being able to go back and read all my old journal entries and think to myself, "Holy shit, was I really that crazy?"
So anyway, hello again.