
Nov 16, 2006 11:12

Okay, so we got our mid-term marks. I guess they are okay. At least I don't have a mark below 80 =]

English - 80 (HAHAHA. I don't participate in class and I get an 80? That's great =D I've always gotten in the 70's cause I don't talk in class xP)
Physics - 83 (This is BULLSHIT. I dropped %6 because of that damn unit test. And guess who gets free marks? JV. WHY? BECAUSE SHE HAS A VALID EXCUSE TO EXCUSE HER FROM UNIT TEST WORTH %17 WHICH HALF THE CLASS FAILED OR DID VERY POORLY ON. FCUK HER. I HOPE SHE FAILS.)
Math - 88 (Gosh was I surprised when I saw this O_O; My math teacher thought I was ESL last year cause I didn't talk in class =_=; I got 70's last year...)
Computers - 92

OVERALL AVERAGE: 85.something

I'll edit later, time for my next class.
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