Jul 12, 2011 21:30

know I have been MIA for some time. Real life got in the way. But this is something I've wanted to do for a long time...

HIGHLY Recommended R/S fanfiction...

Casting Moonshadows by Moonsign

How Strange the Form of Fear by Rhye

It was Only a Kis by RemusLives23

We Four King by Escribo

Survivor's Guilt: Moony's Tale by Pica Scribit

Boys Keep Swinging by MidniteMaurader

Once in a Blue Moon by Fullmoondreams

I, Werewolf by Amuly

An Historical Record of Events Surrounding a Game of Truth or Dare by Moonpants

Adunatio by Vixenette

Prankster’s Guide To Life (collaborative)

Three Weeks Outside Time by Thistlerose

The Midnight Conversations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 y Thistlerose

Deny Thy Father, Mentor, and Accidentally In Love by lls_mutant

The Sharing of Breath, Chasing Snowflakes, Breathing Room, and With Cleansing Breat by kjcp

Rebuilding Blocks by sodeptly

Also Recommended

Highland Flin by Pica Scribit
Circle Jerk by Amuly
Pray the Gay Away by Amuly
Muggle Studies by Museme87
Shoebox Project (collaborative)
Love Song of Sirius Black by kaydeefalls
Mapmakers by Casira
Ephemeris by Penknife
Until it Pardon Me by Maeglin Yedi
I See A Darkness by Moonpants
The Past Is Mine by Cenori
Undone by Librae
Redeeming Time by Minx
Earl Grey, Hot by marinarusalka
De Nobis Fabula Narratur by Musesfool
With Half the Flick and Twice the Magic by Sheafrotherdon
Beginnings by Sethkyneblue
Boiling Point by anniesj
White Gold by  Musme87
The Shape of His Hands by Nyxfixx
With Eyes Wide Open by Aillil
We Have This Day by Dogsunderfoot
Our Private Universe by busaikko
Happy to be Your Fool and Mirror by Thistlerose
Funny Thing by Kabeyk...hell, almost all fics by Kabeyk
Say Goodnight and Go by Shellies 
The Between Time by Thistlerose
A Recipie in 4 Parts by Carmentakoshi
Always Like This by Sam_Storyteller
The Blanketforts series by RosemaryandRue
Quid Pro Quo by Ceredwensirius
Curing the potion by Nyxfixx
Territorial Adjustments by Gatewaygirl
Fingerholds by Centaurea_m
Fondness Makes the Heart Grow Absent by Esinde Nayrall
Nothing Like You and I by Esinde Nayrall
Experimental Wolfsbane by Esinde Nayrall
Forbidden Games by Minnow_53
Tom Jones (A Love Story) by Wook77
As Red as Hearts and Autumn by RosemaryandRue
Without Fear by RemusLives23...well, anything by her!
Slughorn's Sanitarium for Troubled Boys by MelloPie
Technique by Orithain & Rina...or the others by them (sort of...)
Silver and Bullets by that1girl2 (at least the smut parts...not so sure about the plot)

fanfiction, harry potter, rec list

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