fic: Moon Therapy

Feb 09, 2011 20:25

Title: Moon Therapy
Prompt: directed masturbation.
Summary: Sirius helps Remus recover from a full moon the best way he knows how.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 918
Notes: Originally written anonymously for the R/S Kink Meme. Thanks to ceredwensirius for hosting and anon for the prompt!

“Do it Pads… James and Peter won’t be back for a while, and Pomfrey’s busy with those third years with the shrunken hands.” Remus gave Sirius a beguiling look.

Sirius sighed. Looking at Remus’s bruised and puffy eyes, he knew he’d never be able to resist. Whether it was bringing him chocolates, playing wizard’s chess (and he’d never liked chess all that much) or just laying and reading aloud, there wasn’t much he wouldn’t do for Remus during the full moon recovery.

“Really, Moony? Here?…” Sirius trailed off at Remus’s beseeching face, eyes bruised and puffy, bandages down the side of his neck.

“Pads, I won’t be up for anything more strenuous for a few days. And don’t try to tell me you don’t want to have one off. The tent in your trousers says it all.” Sirius smiled sheepishly.

“Well, yeah. But…” he trailed off, chuckling to himself. There really was nothing he wouldn’t do for his boyfriend. Whether it was illegal and dangerous transfiguration experiments, or, apparently, wanking while being watched…making his Moony happy and comfortable was always his first priority. Maybe James was right - he loved him more than was strictly healthy sometimes. At least this particular kink of Remus’s worked out well for the both of them. Sirius glanced around and pulled the curtain around Remus’s bed as closed as he could manage.

“Well…” he murmured in a low voice, “what do you want me to do?” Remus’s pupils dilated in lust.

“Unbuckle your belt,” he commanded. Sirius complied, drawing it out as slowly as possible and looking Remus up and down with heat in his eyes.

“Now rub it - through your trousers.”

Sirius palmed his cock over the rough fabric of his clothes, stimulating it to full hardness as Remus licked his lips. “Pull it out now. I want to see.”

Sirius wasted no time pulling his flies open and freeing his now rock-hard length. Remus craned his neck for a better view, and winced slightly as the bandage on his neck tugged. Sirius quickly pushed his trousers down around his thighs and moved to straddle Remus, directly in his line of sight. “Better?,” he purred.

“Nghh.” Remus grunted in satisfaction. “Start stroking - slow.”

Sirius wrapped a slender hand around his cock, sliding the skin up and down in measured strokes. He could tell that Remus was dying to reach down and stroke himself as well, but the battered state of his body wouldn’t allow it just yet.

“Mmmm. You’re…leaking a little. Rub it around, over the head.” Remus watched as Sirius squeezed the purpled head of his cock and swirled the beaded precome with his index finger. The sound of Remus’s throaty voice was almost too much. Normally Sirius wasn’t one for being told what to do. But with Remus it was different. Sirius adored the urgency in his boyfriend’s voice as he directed him to pleasure himself.

“Spread your legs a little wider. I want to see you touch your bollocks.” Sirius widened his stance and reached down, slowing rolling his balls between his fingers.

“Moony…,” Sirius grunted, “y’keep looking at me like that and this won’t last much longer.”

Remus nodded, raw want in his expression and blankets tented out over his obvious erection. “S’ok, I want you to. Faster, Pads.” The steady slap-slap-slap of skin on skin increased in pace, and a drip of precome fell to the sheets below.

“M’close, Moony…,” Sirius murmured. Remus reached down and pulled his infirmary nightshirt up, exposing a muscular expanse of torso, littered here and there with bandages.

“I want you to come on me.”

Sirius’s eyes widened in lust. He leaned forward, fucking his hand with furious speed and applying pressure to the underside of his balls to increase the intensity. With a hoarse cry his eyes flickered shut and his cock began spasmodically spurting onto Remus’s waiting chest.

Remus sighed in ecstasy at the wet warmth, as Sirius’s hand slowly stilled, his softening cock still dripping. The two exchanged an unmistakable look of love and trust, before Sirius glanced around to make sure no one was nearby.

“I’m not going to leave you here all hot and bothered until she releases you,” Sirius decided. “Just hold still.” With that, he pushed away the sticky bedclothes and tugged down the waistband of Remus’s pajama bottoms. The younger boy’s cock was achingly hard and purpled. “Sometimes I think you just like torturing yourself,” Sirius grumbled.

Sirius dipped a finger into the not-yet-cooled come on Remus’s chest and slicked it over Remus’s cock, rubbing up and down firmly as Remus whined quietly in pleasure.

“Pads,” he panted, “Pomfrey’ll be over to check on me in a minute. I don’t want her to see me like this.”

Sirius grinned wickedly. “She won’t.” He bent his head and began to suck Remus in earnest, savoring the taste of Remus covered in his own essence. Applying the firm pressure of his lips, he knew Remus wouldn’t last long.

Once Sirius pushed his tongue into Remus’s slit, he knew it was over. Remus clapped a hand over his own mouth to keep from crying out, wincing slightly at the movement. He pulsed his release into his lover’s throat and reached for Sirius’s hand, squeezing it in an unspoken “I love you.”

When Madam Pomfrey stopped to check on Remus a few minutes later, she smiled fondly at the two boys, curled against each other in the too-small infirmary bed, breathing slowly as they drifted into sleep.

harry potter, fics, r/s

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