Title: Lonely like the Moon
Pairing: Miroku/Inuyasha
Warnings: masturbation and - oh!- voyeurism. angsty, too.
Summary: Miroku peeks in on Inuyasha as he has a private moment
WordCount: 302
a/n: For the "Voyeurism" prompt at
Beautiful. I never knew you were so beautiful. And alone. I always knew you were alone. Alone and lonely in your own lost mind. I never knew anyone like you could be so lost and yet here you are under a sour moon ready to fall out of the sky like ripe fruit. Inuyasha? Are you ready like the moon?
I never knew.
You are not far from me now. I see you behind succulent leaves and pouting flowers with their ruptured sap, reaching some far away place with your hands between your legs. Yes, Inuyasha. I am hiding, watching you. Your head is tilted back. Your eyes are half closed as you watch the ghosts in your head.
We are both hiding, now. Hiding from each other.
I will hide from your sight: I will stare with the buds and petals. Throw your hair back- yes- let the emotion go down your spine. Slip into the rhythm. Feel it. All the meaning and feeling we are not allowed to know. Forgotten sons, discarded lovers, dead mothers. What are we but dew drops and rain? All to wash away… wash away… Oh yes. Growl and spit. Say words with no meaning. Mean words without saying…. Say it. Say it. For both of us. Say what we are afraid to say. Feel what we are afraid to feel.
Yes! Come Inuyasha. Come like you are dying, let your soul dribble out of you. Let me see you. Just once, let me see your face with honesty in the moonlight.
And you do. You show me something more private than all this: Tears. Oh, Inuyasha. Oh, gods Inuyasha. It I were not intruding I would comfort you. But I am lonely, like you. I am lonely like the moon.