Oct 16, 2012 01:26
Dear Podficcer!
First of all, thank you! This is completely awesome. :D Thank you for your time, and your enthusiasm and for liking fandoms that I like!
I think (I hope!) I’m pretty easy to please. I’ve written my favourite pairings next to the fandoms below, but I would also listen to other pairings, or to gen. As you can see from my list, I’m not really an OTPer. And I’m always happy with poly pairings, threesomes or moresomes, etc! Also crossovers are awesome.
Bandom (Panic, MCR, FOB, The Like - super flexible on pairings, love gsf too)
Avengers movie-verse (Steve/Tony)
AI8 (Kradam, Adam/Kris/Katy)
Gilmore Girls (Rory/Jess, Rory/Paris)
Gossip Girl (Blair/Serena, Blair/Dan)
High School Musical (Ryan/Chad)
White Collar (Neal/Elizabeth/Peter)
Harry Potter (Harry/Draco, Harry/Ginny, Remus/Sirius)
Um, as for types of fic? I guess just as long as it has a happy ending I’m good. I’d rather at least a bit of plot rather than just pwp, but nothing wrong with some nice porn to round it off!
Things I like:
Funny fic! I love love love sarcastic banter.
I’m a sucker for any kind of AU at all, but especially HS or University ones.
I’m pretty easy on kink but probably what I read the most are ones with d/s themes.
Nice fluffy romantic fic (For instance I love all the Harlequin rewrite AUs.)
Faily boys in love (see: all of bandom)
Always a girl! or genderswap
Coming out stories
Friends hanging out and being awesome
Things I don’t like:
I’m not huge on creature fic - vampires, werewolves, zombies - although I do love magic and fantasy.
Major character death
Torture/pain related things
Sorry for randomness of this letter. You can probably get a better idea of what I like just by looking at what I’ve podficced before. But really make me anything! I’m sure I’ll enjoy it.
Much love
challenge: itpe