Oh so now I have a baby.

Feb 15, 2012 19:19

It's true. I do. And she's wonderful.

I mean(t) to write about all of it here. I haven't, because until recently, I was having a really hard time with things. Like laboring for 37 hours, pushing for 3, and needing an emergency c-section. Like ending up in the ICU a week later with my tiny baby for a week after they told us she had meningitis and could die, only to find out they were WRONG.

It's been a real rollercoaster. I finally feel like I'm getting the hang of things, now that I'm mostly better physically and emotionally. I love her more and more each day. She's the coolest thing I ever made. Someday, I'll tell you all about it. For now, here are a couple photos of Violet Hester, born at 5:55pm on 1/1/12. She was born with a crapton of hair (top photo is of her after we sat by the window "watching" her first sunrise :), bottom one is her at 4 days.), a big noggin, and huge monkey feet. She's already too tall for NB size clothes (and some brands of 0-3 month stuff), and her feet are too big for 0-3 month footed sleepers. Keeping her clothed is going to be iiinteresting.

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