(no subject)

Jan 26, 2004 12:48

I am so much in love with Adam that it sometimes feels unreal and like a dream. But, sometimes, when he does something I don't agree with, I think to myself, oh well, we should just end this. It would be easier for me. It would be easier to be a 'normal' college student, partying, hanging out with girl friends, going out to places with groups of people, ect. But, since I'm in a committed, serious relationship, things aren't normal for me, I guess. I love that I spend as much of my time as I possibly can with him, because he is the person I want to spend my time with. He makes me laugh, especially when I am down, and he snuggles with me, naps with me, watched movies with me, cooks dinner with me, buys me gas and food when I am completely broke, and goes shopping with me. He is my best friend. I can tell him anything, I really can. We talk all the time - and I love just talking to him. I love talking about his family, work, friends, his computer stuff (which I completely don't understand, nor have the interest for, but that he loves) and even the non-important things, like movies, and cleaning. I just love holding him and watching him and kissing him. He tells me he wants to grow old with me, as do I, and I believe him.
So, he's at work right now. It's hella snowy out, and I came over to his house to get away from my little step brother and sister, who make way too much noise. But, I also came over here, so that when he gets off work, I can be with him for the few hours before I have to go to work. Bah. I hate it when our schedules conflict like this. But, anyway, so he calls me from work to tell me he's coming home early to see me (because we didn't see each other at ALL yesterday, and miss each other incredibly) and I bring up an argument because I can't hold it in any longer. I swear he's perfect, except this one little thing. He smokes too much, and not cigarettes. He doesn't do it while at work, and he doesn't go to school yet, so he only does it when he's bored. Which sounds harmless enough and fun. But, I am just getting sick of it. I hate the smell, hate the taste, hate the smoke around the room, hate walking up the stairs and smelling it, hate it that his friend Mark, only comes over to his house to do it and that he has to hold Mark's stuff, because Mark is retarded (to put it nicely). It's just that it seems lately like he's only happy and having fun when he's high. I mean, don't get me wrong, I enjoy it, EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE, well, let me rephrase - every GREAT once in a while. It's fun, yes, on occasion, but I'm sorry, I don't want to be high 24/7, or every night or every day, I just don't want to be, there's no reason for it. It just makes me hungry and tired, and obviously, not in tune with reality, and I don't want it around every day. Grrr. I mena it seems like he does it at least once a day, after he's home from work, either with his friend, or by himself, and usually wants me to do it with him. I tell him time and time again, that I don't feel like it, and he respects that, but then he still will. I give him dirty looks sometimes, and others say nothing, and sometimes I plain get mad at him. But, so far, it doesn't seem to have set in in his mind that I don't like him doing it so much. To be honest, I like he's addicted. That's got to be the only thing. I mean, he, himself, hasn't changed any, which is strange, if he's addicted. Well, I don't know, I don't know how it works. But, he's still sweet, loving, adorable, still not hard working, ha ha, and we still talk just as much and do all the normal things we usually do, like laundy and grocery shopping and cooking. I guess the bottom line is that I think he just does it for no reason, like just becuase it's there, and I feel it's not worth it, and he should stop. So, I brought that to his attention and he said he would. I believe he will, because he never lies to me, but I just hope everything is ok, ya know? I mean, I don't know why it wouldn't be, but I'm just a little worried because it's something he's done for a while now, and he might miss it or whatever. Ok, I just needed to get that off my chest.
On to another subject. Our sex life couldn't be better. Well, ok, everything can always be better, but it's so good. We really care about each other, and want to make the other happy. We try new things and mix it up with some old, normal stuff. We get enough cuddle time in too, and have our "naked time" we like to call it, ha ha. Where we just lay around naked, lightly touching, holding, kissing and being together - intimate time, if you will. And he just gets cuter by the day. I bet I am the only one who thinks that, but I should, I'm his girlfriend. I smile just thinking about him. Ahhhh.
So, UNO is canceled today because of the massive amount of snow we got last night and still getting today. I had to dig my car out of the snow pile it was in at my dad's this morning because the snow plow buried it. It took me an hour to be able to drive it down the hill. My car sucks so bad in the snow...I hate it. And I just called work, and we're open, so I still have to go in tonight, and stay til midnight. Grrr. Oh well, I need the money. And hopefully, it'll be kinda slow, since people are crazy to go out in the slick snow.
Well, what's new, I'm looking for a new job, one that pays more per hour so I can afford to move out. Once I get a new job, I'll be set. But for now, I am going to shower and make food and wait to see my love. Ta ta for now. ~Jenee
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