Feb 27, 2003 13:48
dkorkoiAn: Ottumwa has a target
dkorkoiAn: thats cool cause its not walmart
dkorkoiAn: but other than that
dkorkoiAn: not so much
PainStillLingers: I like Wal*Mart
PainStillLingers: >:o
dkorkoiAn: AHHH
dkorkoiAn: you like walmart?
dkorkoiAn: they are such a horrible company
PainStillLingers: :0(
PainStillLingers: sorry
PainStillLingers: I guess I lose cool points for that then
dkorkoiAn: they destroy the local economies of small towns (Kville for example)
dkorkoiAn: they use oversees sweatshop labor and then claim to be all american
dkorkoiAn: 80% of its products are imported
PainStillLingers: why do you know so much about Wal*Mart
PainStillLingers: LoL
dkorkoiAn: they dont offer nation standerds of insurance to its employees
dkorkoiAn: 70% of its employees are women but only 25% of its management is
dkorkoiAn: (i lead an antiWalmart protest last semester)PainStillLingers: omg