Sep 30, 2005 02:01
Stolen from the infamous Juggalo Queen
1. Have you ever been drunk? Sure have.
2. How old were you the first time you got drunk? 16 @ Charlotte's birthday party.
3. Have you ever gotten/given digits while intoxicated? I don't think so.
4. Have you ever 'drunk dialed'? If you mean calling people while I was drunk then yes I think I have.
5. Have you ever been drunk in front of family members? Just my mom, Aunt and Cousin.
6. Have you ever had to cover up the fact that you were drunk? A few times.
7. Have you ever been arrested for any alcohol related crime? Nope but the first time I drank I was almost arrested and I began telling the cop my entire life story.
8. Have you ever hooked-up with someone while drunk? Nope.
9. Ever forgot their name? I haven't sexed anybody while I was drunk.
10. When was the last time you were drunk? The night before Mother's day.
11. Have you ever been on a drunken binge? Nope.
12. Do you need alcohol to have a good time? Heck no.
13. What kind of alcohol gets you the most intoxicated? Something with a high percentage of Alcohol content like 151.
14. Favorite liquor: Anything that doesn't taste like gross.
15. Favorite beer: MGD!!
16. Have you ever woken up after a night of drinking and found you were still drunk? Nope but I'm sure that will probably happen one day.
17. Have you ever swam drunk? No, I doubt that would go over to well. I'd probably drown.
18. What kind of a drunk are you? I'm a totally fun drunk.
19. Is alcohol like "truth serum" to you? Not really.
20. Favorite drinking partner: Julie and Chris. We cause shenanigans.
21. Favorite bar: I've actually never been to a bar. They're damn expensive.
22. Have you ever completely blacked out? Can't say that I have.
23. Have you ever puked from drinking? All the damn time.
24. Have you ever had the 'crying drunks'? No.
25. Can you still do physical activities while intoxicated? No not really. I can barely walk when I'm drunk.
26. Have you ever gotten into a drunken fight? Not yet.
27. Who is the most annoying drunk that you know? Naomi, she's crazy.
28. Who is the most flirtatious drunk? I don't think any of my friends are flirtatious drunks.
29. Do you have a drunken nickname? Sure do.. Jamie calls me Boozie.
30. Have you received a drunken 'booty call'? I'm not down for that kinda shit.
31. Funniest drunken scene in a movie: I wish I had an answer for this question but I don't.
32. Favorite song(s) about drinking: Irish Drinking Song - Flogging Molly , Gin and Juice - Snoop. There's a bunch more that I can't remember right now.
33. Have you ever woken up next to someone you didn't know? Nope but I have woke up to someone I just met the night before. It was Keith. We cuddled.
34. Have you ever been hit on by someone way older than you? Nobody hits on me.
35. What's the worst 'buzz kill'? When nobody else wants to party.
36. Have you ever dated a bartender or bouncer or cocktail waitress? Fraid not.
37. Do you ever say to yourself, "Dang, I need a drink"? Hardly ever.
38. Do strangers ever buy you drinks? I don't go to bars so Nope.
39. Have you ever drank too much on a date? I don't go on dates.
40. Is there anything that you refuse to drink? Fireball.
41. Have you ever been drunk on a plane? Nope.
42. Have you ever gotten drunk during the day? I don't think so.
43. Have you ever had to run from the cops and leave the beer behind? No but that would be teh suck.
44. What's your favorite drinking game? Bullshit aka Cheat. I'm so good at that game. I've never played any other drinking games.
45. Have you ever injured yourself while drunk? I always come home with mega bruises after a night of drinking.
46. What's the most destructive thing that has happened while you were drunk?
47. Ever been drunk at a concert? I've never been to a concert :(
48. Is this survey getting too long? Nope. It's hella fun.
49. Are you ready for the last question? Sure why not.
50. Why do you drink? Because it's a fun thing to do at parties.