I had a bit of a relapse with my diet this week. Nothing too bad but my commitment definitely fell by the wayside. It's weird, because I've lost 25kg right, but I feel no different. I don't feel particularly motivated or envigorated or inspired, I'm just doing it because it's what I have to do. I'm not passionate about exercising or getting healthy, it's just what it is - being mindful of what, and how much I eat.
The differences are noticeable and the evidence is there, but I don't look in the mirror and feel better about myself, or proud of what I see. I know I have a long way to go but I mean 25kg is no easy feat either.
Maybe I just need a more drastic change physically before the mental shift will come too, but im just finding it very hard to kick the mentality of a fat girl and start thinking like a person who is trying to fix themselves in a positive and healthy way.
I kind of just expected the positivity to find its way to me of it's own volition but it seems I have to work to find that too.
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