So I had a rather demented idea pop into my head late Friday night and texted my friend that he should write "Happy Birthday Helen" on a cake in braille for our Helen Keller party. He didn't respond so I thought he didn't think it was funny. Until I showed up at the party and saw the cake. Everybody thought it was great. I loved it. Especially that the name was spelled wrong. Do you think it could qualify for a cake wreck?
I did end up making it to the Farmer's Market on Saturday after work. I bought some zucchini and yellow squash, a cantaloupe, and a really good pesto sauce. I steamed the zucchini and yellow squash for dinner tonight and used the pesto sauce on some of the homemade noodles I bought a couple of weeks ago from the same market. yummy! I also ate some of the cantaloupe. I honestly have no idea why I bought it. It's delicious, but I'm allergic to it. Now the roof of my mouth is raw. Oh well, I should have known better.
I took my dad to two furniture stores on Saturday, but he didn't end up buying anything. We found some really nice sofas and some for a really good price, but of course he has his heart set on all of the ones not within his price range. So I guess we'll try again next week after he gets paid again.
My neighbors have started their 4th of July festivities early. They've been setting off fire crackers all day. It's rather annoying! Fire crackers are illegal here and fireworks are technically only to be set off for up to 3 days before and after the holiday. It doesn't help that I have to get up at 4:30 a.m. At least my dog doesn't seem to be bothered by them. She usually gets all riled up over any loud noises, including thunder. Lately though, she's just been sleeping through it. Must be sign of her age?