So I just realized, after reading some friends' entries, that it's been a really long time since I posted a blog. There are so many new changes, all for the better, that have happened to me in the last few months. The best one, by far, is that one of my best friends of six years and I realized, at sort of the same time, that we were totally in love with each other. Not the kind of love where it's butterflies in your stomach-anxious-head in the clouds all the time kind, but the established friendship-respect-plus all that good attraction stuff kind. And let me tell you, I've never experienced anything quite like it. There is nothing more amazing than knowing that you can be your true self, in all your splendor and evil, and someone out there wants to share it all with you. And loves you more for the stuff you don't even like, maybe. Or even see in yourself. It's been really great spending many evenings cooking amazing meals (yes, he's a great cook too! we are sharing tips), talking, doing chores, playing with Fred, and making art. Plus we are visiting Spain for two weeks after Easter, which is really awesome. Also he recently got to star in this movie that Brett Horton is making, who also sings in the Gardes and has his own music (all of which is really good, I think) which means I got to hang out in the Paseo in OKC for the first time. That was really fun, we had beer at Galileos then went to Flips for wine and delicious dinner.
Another big change is that I enrolled in the Master Gardener program through the OSU extension office. We have class every Thursday evening from 5:30-9, and each week we learn about a different topic. Last week was soil- testing, fertility, all that good stuff. So you get classroom-type information and then real-life scenarios. And I filled out a questionnaire for peace corps from the Africa ag office asking if I would like to work as a beekeeper, aquaculturalist or slaughterhouse. I said hell yes to first, sure to second and not unless I have to to third. Beekeeper Sixkiller would be really cool!
As far as artwork goes, the Stillwater Artists' Coalition show was a huge success. I'll still be involved in the next show, even though I'll be in Spain when it actually happens, and have been creating a piece for Nude: V, my friend Danny's erotic art show that takes place in Tulsa each spring. The show is March 28th this year, artwork deadline is March 21st midnight.
I still haven't received placement opportunities from Peace Corps, but they are processing my application. I've been cleared legally and medically, and am awaiting dental clearance. My teeth are fine and stuff, but I still have all four pesky wisdom teeth. I assume that's what's holding up the boat. However, I would really like another summer of gardening and poking around Stillwater, but you know, whatever happens I roll with it. After I finish my tour of duty, I might just live somewhere else in the world, so I've been trying to live it up, make visits to old friends, squeeze it all in. I guess maybe that's what some people do if they find out they're going to die. ?
So anyway, I gave another conference talk in Albuquerque, then went to visit my great Aunt- Eva (namesake-ish) in Mesa, AZ. A) I had never been to Arizona before and 2) i hadn't seen her in a few years. We had a really nice visit, went to the Phoenix botanical gardens with new Chihuly installations, and ate some kick-ass New Mexican food. I also tried one of their specialty margaritas made with 1800, which I had not tried before, and came home to replicate the recipe. I did a really good job, apparently, because my head hurt the next day but dang, was it good. Also, I got a huge mural commission and a future all-expenses-paid trip back before Peace Corps, so hot hot AZ here I come!
Que mas, que mas, my friend Melissa moved back to OK from Ft. Worth and we have reconnected after years of her living "abroad" as a zookeeper. She just recently (like yesterday) got a job as a 911 dispatcher, so we should be able to have more fun now that she will have some $$. What's funny is that she met my ex-husband first, he introduced her to me, and the rest was history.
My friend Keri is in love with a Brazilian, which I wouldn't advise doing, but one cannot help oneself sometimes. No regrets, and I did get a couple good recipes out of the deal. I wish her luck, tu da bon (sp?)!
So, as usual, I am really busy but I stay happies that way. My friend Robert, who is visiting OK from Germany this April, told me that I should always be happy since I am so busy. He also called me a lady, but that's another story :) I can't wait to see him!