So April 22nd we celebrated our 14th anniversary. Though we don't need words there were a few things I wanted to say. You are my voice , my strength , my hope , my heart , my soul, my breath , my life . It's easy to love one another when things in your life are going right but things in our lives rarely go smoothly . Loving you comes easy and the worse things get around us the deeper our bond seems to be. We may not have a life that others would envy but our love is another story . Your the reason I keep going . I thank you for the gifts you have given me not just the material things but especially your love and unwavering support . Thank you for making me feel loved and beautiful no matter what . Thank you for making me feel like the center of the universe , lord knows you are to me. Most of all thank you for being mine.
I often wonder if God hears my prayers then I think of you and remember he answered the most important one of all when he sent me you .