Title: The Man With the Blurry Face
Fandom/Pairing: Killjoys. Korse-POV gen.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, don't take too seriously.
Summary: Written for hc_bingo prompt, "accidentally locked in." Third in
Danger Days series.
The Man With the Blurry Face )
Comments 7
I remain in awe of the 'verse you're creating here.
Love all the ideas you've come up with - really believable back story here, and definately original!
Please tell me there's more on the way?
They're all dead tho. ;______; (brb, crying)
Maaaaaan, I love the dust'verse, we can do whatever the hell we want! :D
In conclusion, HEART EYES.
It's kind of exploding in my brain at the moment-two more at least- though It's probably going to be January before I get to writing any more on it.
And yeah. I don't know why someone who dresses as fanbulously as Korse (and is played by such an awesome writer) doesn't get more love. Ah well. :)
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