Title: You Are Not Alone
Rating: PG
Fandom/Pairing: The Losers (comic 'verse), Jake Jensen/ Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, don't take this too seriously.
Genre: Ficlet written for
hc_bingo for prompt "Nightmares"
A/N: Set after the events from the "Anti-Heist" storyline.
You Are Not Alone )
Comments 6
Yeah, they're all bastards in their own right, and compared to a lot of other fandoms. I do a lot of writing in SGA and Leverage) the group as a whole is a little less unified (i.e. Roque and Aisha turning on them), which is an interesting dynamic to play with. They don't necessarily have the entire "all for one and one for all" thing going on, but they do where it counts. :)
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