FINALLY a new Leverage postgame up on KFM. Took 'em long enough.
...In S3 you get more Young Parker, Young Nate, and one surprising Young Eliot ...
....There's a reaosn Eliot's hair is long -- it's to throw off people who knew him back when....
Q (1) We assume that Nate will somehow get out of this mess. Will it be by his plan, the team's, or some bargain with Sterling or the feds? If you can say.
A 1.) A combo platter. And, sort of, none of that
Q: @IMForeman: So, when Leverage returns, will it be "The Prison Job" where they bust Nate out of the clink? They could send Elliot in as a fellow prisoner, as he's the natural suspect for bodyguard and taking down opposition, but it's funnier if it's Hardison. Like he can only hack the Prison from the inside. Taking down a corrupt Warden while they bust him out... "Let's go steal us a Prison."
A: Remarkably close. We knew what ep 301 was, if we were given the shot.
Q: @Shelley: What will be the timing for the season three opener? Will it pick up soon after we left everyone or will it be weeks or months?
A: We tend to play the hiatuses in real time. So about six months later.